
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12

In the recent years,the economy of city develops quickly.In the past,people lived in a low house,the students studied in an old school,the farmers planted crops with the help of farm animals.Nowadays,the situation is different.People live in a tall building,students study in a moderm school and the farmers plant crops with the help of farm machines.The city becomes better and better.

Changes in My Hometown          Over the past 10 years ,great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, the houses were very old. The river  used to be very dirty. People used to walk or ride bikes to work .  But now things are different.Many people live in tall buildings . The river is so clean that people can swim in it. People take buses or drive their own  car to work.              I am happy to see that my hometown  is becoming more and more beautiful

former students eat teacher. Now is the teacher had the students. Previously while the teacher is poor. But the students love the mainstream is sincere. Then there is a word: 1st division, lifelong for father. Before school. Total family difficult students. Will get the help of teacher material. Students with learning difficulties. Also will get the teacher free tutoring. Now? Now the teacher will only have dinner to students, accept parents treat and gifts. Or in the school engaged in cram school, let the students to pay to go to the lecture.
Second, before the students are afraid of the teacher. Now is the fear of the students the teacher. Before the teacher's authority, the overall better than now. This and now part of the teacher undisciplined relationship. Let people underestimate the importance of the. Some teachers like to second generation of students in class of the "rich second generation" or officer more than grades students. In the University. Also popular teacher to students in the unspoken rules of T is the.
Of course. At any time, there are good teachers and good teacher. I do not deny that now there is a good teacher. Just in general. The relationship between teachers and students now, than before, and the smell of money much. Sincere taste less. It also and the social environment is a certain relationship of.
When all the money thought popular in the community, the quiet campus is inevitably affected.

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