
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

您好,以“家人正在做什么(what are they doing)”为题的作文要用现在进行时态。例如,My mother is cooking and my brother is doing his homework…

Ourfamily had finished dinner.My grandfather is reading a newspaper.My grandmotheris watching TV in the living room.She is relaxed.My father is washing thedishes.He enjoys doing this.And my mother is watering her flowers.What aboutme? I am reading a story book.It is interesting.We all have a great time.

I live in a happy family with my father and mother.
we are all very busy all the day except after dinner.We have the same habit:having a walk。we always walk slowly and chat with each otherAs father often say :“After dinner is my happiest time。And only then I feel I am the happiest person all over the world。”Yes ,by walking not only can we relax ourselves,but also can have a good body!

I live in a happy family with my father and mother.we are all very busy all the day except after dinner.We have the same habit:having a walk。we always walk slowly and chat with each otherAs father often say:“After dinner is my happiest time。And only then I feel I am the happiest person all over the world。”Yes ,by walking not only can we relax ourselves,but also can have a good body!


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