哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下 1.看,那张照片 2.照片中的女孩是我的朋友 3.不久后,她说这封信是写给我的

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06
哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下 ,拜托了!

人工翻译 有保证!!

嗨, 我最亲爱的,
我在塞内加尔达喀尔这边的生活有一点点艰苦。我很羡慕你的生活。我的名字是Linda Ediwn,我来自苏丹。身高5.3英尺,肤色白皙,(从未结婚)。我现在23岁居住在达喀尔的难民营,这是因为我的国家爆发了内战。

我去世的父亲Daniel Ajana Edwin上尉曾经是Mavococoa and Associates(Ltd) 公司的常务董事,他还是前任国家首脑(已故的Ahmed al-Mirghani博士)的私人顾问,那是在造反派趁一个清晨袭击我们的房子并残忍的杀害了我的母亲和爸爸之前的事情。只有我在那次事件中幸免并活到了现在,我设法逃到了邻国塞内加尔,并居住在这里的难民营中。

Linda Edwin


PS:RoyLee翻译的非常好 也很有感情色彩 看了他的我本不想发自己这个了
但是我都翻译完了才看到他的 所以为了自己的劳动不被浪费还是供你参考吧
但是 我要说明一点 以免你误会

给你写信这个人并不是说 她的房子今天被袭击 她的爸爸妈妈今天被杀的
原句before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood中 one early morning 的意思是 某个清晨 就是说 是之前发生的事情了 而不是写信中的今天 这一点RoyLee翻译错了 容易引起误解 所以我特意注释 希望楼主明白

另外RoyLee遗漏了几点: 1.来信人说她皮肤白皙 2.来信人希望多看几张你的照片

我是智利sodimac的Terry Lu.(我曾经告诉过你,我们是南美洲最大的家居零售商。我们拥有75家商店,年营业额大约在15亿美圆左右。因为我们四月份就要去中国采购钢铁的计划,所以我已在几周前就联系到了您。我很高兴能够受到贵公司的邀请函,也在安排行程与您会面,从而进一步发掘商机。但是,我希望在出行前您能够填好我们公司的调查问卷以便加深了解,同时希望您嫩够尽快地把填好的表格发到我的邮箱里,以便加速进程。如果您对我们公司还有什么其他的方面想了解的话,请尽管联系我,我会尽快的给您解答。(请见附件:sodimac工厂问卷调查.excel)(请见附件:参观工厂。excel)_

1. Look, the photo
2. The girl in the picture is my friend
3. Soon, she said the letter is addressed to me
4 envelope with her likes pandas. Because she thinks the panda is very lovely.
5. The envelope is also writing her mother is a nurse father is a teacher.
6. She is writing a letter pictures.
7. He also asked where am I now?

Look,that photo!
The girl in the photo is my friend.
She says this letter is write to me soon.
She says she likes panda in the letter because she thinks panda is lovely.
She also says her mother is a nurse and her father is a teacher in the letter.
She is writing a letter in the photo.
He also ask me where am i now.

Look at that picture
The girl in the picture is my friend
After a while ,she told me that the letter was written for me
There is a panda in the letter that she likes.because she thinks the panda is very cute
Her mother is a nurse and father is a teacher are written in the letter
In the picture she is writing a letter
He also asks me where I am now

1. look at that photo. 2. the girl in the photo is my friend. 3. soon after, she said the letter was written to me. 4. on the envelope, she said she loved panda, because she thought pandas are cute. 5.it also said that her mother was a nurse and her father was a teacher. 6. she was writing a letter in the photo. 7. she also asked where i lived.