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哪些食物不能放冰箱里 香蕉



If the bananas on the place below 12 ℃ storage, make banana black rot.如果在低于12℃储存地的香蕉,让香蕉黑腐病。

fresh lychee新鲜荔枝

If we lychee 0 ℃ environment in place, the day their skin will turn black, sour pulp.如果我们在地方荔枝0℃的环境中,这一天他们的皮肤会变黑,酸浆。

tropical fruit for fear of hypothermia, is not appropriate in the refrigerator, if frozen, but will “frostbite,” fruit, make it skin depression, appear dark brown spots, not only the loss of nutrition, but also perishable.对低温担心热带水果,是不是在适当的冰箱,如果冻结,但会“冻伤”水果,使皮肤凹陷,出现黑褐色斑点,不仅营养损失,但也容易变坏。 Unripe fruit, even not in the refrigerator, would be difficult to properly mature.未成熟的水果,甚至不是在冰箱,就很难正确地成熟。 The correct way is dark, cool, ventilated storage.正确的方法是避光,阴凉,通风贮存。

【vegetables】 【蔬菜】


tomato by low temperature refrigeration, the meat was blister-like, look soft, or that there is spallation phenomenon, the surface of black spot, making unfamiliar, no flavor, while serious decay.低温冷藏番茄,肉是水泡状,看起来柔软,或出现散裂现象,表面黑点,使不熟悉,没有味道,而严重的衰退。

cucumber, green pepper黄瓜,青椒

cucumber, green peppers in the refrigerator Jiucun, there will be cold “injury” – black, soft, sour.黄瓜,青椒在冰箱久存,会出现冷“伤害” - 黑色,柔软,酸酸的。 Cucumber is also chairman of the hair sticky.黄瓜也是发粘主席。 Because the temperature of a refrigerator is generally 4 ℃ to 6 ℃, while the cucumber suitable storage temperature is 10 ℃ to 12 ℃, green pepper to 7 ℃ to 8 ℃, it is not appropriate Jiucun.由于冰箱温度一般为4℃至6℃,而黄瓜贮存适宜温度为10℃至12℃,青椒为7℃至8℃,不宜久存。

leaf vegetables叶菜

because it is relatively easy to rot after cold storage, it is best not to put next to the refrigerator.因为它比较容易腐冷藏后,最好不要放在旁边的冰箱。

cabbage, celery, onions, carrots and other suitable storage temperature is around 0 ℃.大白菜,芹菜,洋葱,胡萝卜和其他适当的储存温度为0℃左右。 Cucumber, eggplant, tomatoes and other suitable storage temperature is between 7.2 ℃ to 10 ℃.黄瓜,茄子,西红柿和其他适当的储存温度为7.2℃至10℃。 Pumpkin suitable for storage above 10 ℃. 10℃以上的南瓜适合存放。

【snacks】 【小吃】


chocolate in the fridge out, the surface prone to frost, not only lose the original mellow taste, but also will be conducive to microbial growth.在冰箱里出来,表面容易出现霜冻,巧克力不仅会失去原有的味道醇厚,而且也将有利于微生物的生长。 Chocolate is the best storage temperature 5 ℃ -18 ℃.巧克力是最佳贮藏温度为5℃-18℃。 Summer temperature is too high, can be sealed with a plastic bag first, and then placed in the refrigerator freezer storage.夏季气温太高,可以用塑料袋密封,然后再在冰箱冷冻储存间。 When removed, do not immediately open it to reach room temperature slowly and then eat.当删除,不要马上打开它来达到室温,然后慢慢地吃。

【Class】 food 【类别】食品


If we ham into freezer storage, in which the water turn to ice, fat, precipitation, ham agglomeration or loose, fleshy than usual, and highly perishable.如果我们进入冷藏库,火腿,其中放水冰,脂肪,沉淀,火腿肉结块或松散比平常,并高度腐烂。


bread in the baking process, the starch in flour amylose segments have been aging, which is flexible and soft structure of bread production reasons.面包在烘烤过程中,面粉中直链淀粉部分已经老化,这是灵活的,柔软的面包生产结构的原因。 With the extension of storage time, bread amylopectin amylose part of the slow association, Er Shi gradually harden the soft bread, a phenomenon called “change Chen.” “Variable Chen,” The speed and temperature.随着贮藏时间,面包支链淀粉的直链淀粉部分协会缓慢延长,而使柔软的面包逐渐变硬,这种现象叫做“变陈”。“变陈”的速度和温度。 At low temperatures (freezing point or above) is aging faster than bread in the fridge, the degree of hardening more quickly.在(冰点以上)低温老化快于冰箱面包,更迅速硬化的程度。

fish can not be for too long鱼不能太久

fish should not be stored in the refrigerator too long, domestic refrigerator refrigeration temperature is generally -15 ℃, the best can only reach -20 ℃ refrigerator and aquatic products, especially fish, in the storage temperature has not reached below -30 ℃, fish tissue dehydration or other changes occur, such as carp long frozen, on the vulnerable fish rancidity, fleshy change, not consumption.鱼不应该存放在冰箱太久,家用冰箱制冷温度一般为-15℃,最好也只能达到-20℃冰箱和水产品,尤其是鱼的储存温度,具有不低于-30℃,鱼达脱水或其他组织发生变化,如鲫鱼长时间冷藏鱼的脆弱酸败,肉质改变,而不是消费。 Therefore, the fish stored in the refrigerator, the time not too long.因此,鱼存放在冰箱,时间不会太长。

【other】 【其他】


should not be placed in the refrigerator, the medicine in the refrigerator, and other food mix over time, not only a variety of bacteria easily penetrated within medicine, and easy moisture and damaged the medicinal properties of herbs, so a number of valuable medicinal herbs such as ginseng, deer horn, bladder, Codonopsis, etc. For long-term preservation, can be placed inside a clean glass bottle, then put moderate yellowish mixture gently fry the rice, to be Then put it into, the cap seal, set aside in cool ventilated place.不应该放置在冰箱,冰箱中的药品和其他食物混合随着时间的推移,不仅各种细菌容易侵入内药品,易损坏的水分和草药的药性,所以有名贵药材数量如人参,鹿茸,天麻,党参,对于长期保存等,可放在一个干净的玻璃瓶内,再放入适量用文火炒黄的大米,被放进,瓶盖密封设置,它除了在阴凉通风处。

leftover moon cake吃剩的月饼

moon cake is flour, oil, sugar and refined ingredients such as nuts, and after baking the cake.月饼是面粉,油,糖和果仁等配料精制,并经过烘烤的蛋糕。 Baked goods are not stored in the refrigerator.烘焙食品不存储在冰箱里。 Although for some species of moon cake, the refrigerator can extend the shelf life time, but still affect its flavor.虽然有些品种的月饼,冰箱能延长保质期的时间,但仍然影响它的味道。 This is because the moon cake of starch raw material, after curing, after baking, and become soft, and in low temperature conditions, the aging of the precipitation water content of starch will become aging (that is, “returned students”), to change moon cake hard, taste worse.这是因为淀粉的原料,月饼固化后,经过烘烤,并变得柔软,而在低温条件下,沉淀的淀粉水分含量将成为老龄化老化(即“归国留学生”),以改变月饼硬,口感差。

storage and frozen food have six taboos:贮存和冷冻食品有六个禁忌:

1, hot food must not be placed in the refrigerator is operating within. 1,热食品不得放置在冰箱内操作。

2, storage of food should not be too full, too tight, to leave gaps to facilitate the cold air flow, reducing the load, the extension of life, save power. 2,贮存食物不宜过满,过紧,要离开的差距,以便在寒冷的空气流动,减少了负荷,延长使用寿命,节省电量。

3, raw and cooked food can not be mixed together to maintain health. 3,生熟食品不能混在一起,保持健康。 By food storage time, temperature requirements, rational use of box space, do not put food directly on the evaporator surface, to be placed in a vessel, so as not to freeze the evaporator, the inconvenience out.按食物存放时间,温度要求,合理利用箱体空间,不要把食物直接放在蒸发器表面,放置在一个容器,以免冻结在蒸发器,不便了。

4, fish, meat and other foods can not not be processed on the refrigerator. 4,鱼,肉和其它食品不可不被处理的冰箱。 Fish, meat, use the plastic bag packaging, storage in the freezer.鱼,肉,使用塑料包装袋在冰箱,储存。 Vegetables, fruit should be dry the outer surface of water, into the box at the bottom to zero on the temperature of storage is appropriate.蔬菜,水果应干燥底部的外表面的水入禁区,在贮藏温度为零是适当的。

5, can not drink bottled liquid into the freezer to avoid the cracking bottles. 5,不能喝瓶装液体入冰箱,以避免开裂瓶。 Should be placed on file on the cold box or door, to about 4 ℃ storage temperature for the best.应放在文件上的冷箱或门,贮藏温度4℃左右为最佳。

6, storing food, chemical storage refrigerators should not be at the same time.六,贮存食品,化学品储存冰箱不应在同一时间。

(taken from the “Japan Xinhua Chinese Press” website) (从“日本新华侨报”网站服用)





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