
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28

英语讲座通知的英文是English lecture notice。重点词:英语讲座English lectures。



There is going to an English lecture tomorrow. 


Mr Green gives us a lecture on English.


English academic lecture comprehension is especially important for L2 learners who are engaged in academic tasks.






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    答:方案一:Notice/An Announcement A lecture about American Social Problems chaired by Mr Zhang will be held on 15th May at 3:30 PM at the auditorium. Any students who are interested in it are allowed to attend the lecture with pens and papers. All the students are requested to be...
  • ...学生会将举办一个讲座。请以学生会名义用英语写
    答:2013 高一学生讲座通知 亲爱的高一新生,活动时间:本周五下午3点到5点 活动地点:学校报告厅 讲座内容::1经验丰富的王老师演讲并指导如何养成好的学习习惯;2 自由交流该如何应对学习困难 注意事项:希望高一全体同学准时参加,不要缺席。以上活动内容,请各位同学知悉,特此通知 校学生会 8月4号 2013 ...
  • ...同学们9月22日晚上七点将在演讲大厅举行英语讲座主题是环境保护_百 ...
    答:Notice Dear All Do you think we need to take some actions to protect our environment?We will have a English lecture on environment protection.Venue: Lecture Hall.Time: at 19:00 on the evening of Sept 22nd.Speaker: Dr. xxx,If you are interested in both English and environment...
  • 英语讲座广播通知英语作文 内容要点: 1时间10月15日下午3:30 2地点...
    答:Girls and boys,attention please. at 15:30 in the afternoon, October 15th, there will be a lecture in the school's great lecture hall. The topic is American Social Problems. It will be given by professor Chen Jun who just personally got back from the US. This lecture is ...
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    答:Notice to Whom It May Concerned There will be an ENGLISH LECTURE at 7 o'clock at class room no.2 of teaching building no. 3 this everning.Please don't miss it. It's a chance to change your view on learning Engish!
  • 通知本系学生有关跨文化研究的讲座英语作文
    答:Hello everybody , attention please !There will be a lecture for us given by Doctor Qian . This lecture is about life ,a very meaningful theme. During the lecture we are able to communicate with Docter Qian, in which way we can learn more about ourselves' life . The lecture ...
  • ...用英语为某校广播站写一则听英语讲座的广播通知,内容要点如下:_百度...
    答:boys andgirls,May Ihave your attention, please? There is going to be an English lecture on American social problems in our school hall at 3:30p.m.on October 15. Mr Chen Jun will give us the lecture. He’s just come back from a visit to the USA. All the students of ...
  • (1/4)英语作文:根据通知,用英文向你校国际汉语班的同学通知你校学生会...
    答:Lecture notice Hello!everyone,may I have your attention ,please? I have an announcement to make. Our students' union inform us to attend the lecture on first aid in the teaching hall.Don't be late
  • 题目,学校为了提高学生英语能力,要举办一期讲座,请你为广播站写一则通 ...
    答:Notice there will be held a very useful seminor for you in our school,the topic is about how to "inprove the ability to study English".when:15th october at 3pm where:assembly hall in our school host:teacher ChenJun just come back from America guest:all of students and ...
  • 求英语作文 讲座通知
    答:Fellow students,May I have your attention,please?There is an English lecture about the differences between British English and American English on the third floor in the teaching building.Everyone should join it and take the notes carefully,cause we will have a discussion after this ...