
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29
【几道英语题 帮忙解答一下】谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢~

1. A
a knowledge of... 对...的通晓/了解
international trade 国际贸易,此类词如果没有限定范围,则其前无须冠词

2. A
固定句型:sb be to blame for sth 某人该为某事负责/受谴责(此为固定句式,无时态变化)

3. A

4. B
call for = need/require 需要
如果用C,则句子主语the environment problem必须做pay attention to的宾语,而不是主语(除非用被动语态)

5. C
What if... 如果...,会怎么样?(what为使用省略语法的主句,if后面为条件状语从句)

6. B
more than... 不仅仅只是...
A rather than 而不是...
not more than 不超过...
no more than 仅仅/不过

7. 此题答案有误,正确答案为D where, that
问句采用强调句型。根据强调句型语法特征,去掉it was和引导词that(即第二空答案)之后,正常句序为:
The talented journalist met the retired professor in the village where he was born.
而where he was born为定语从句,修饰the village

1.return it 中it 改成them 2.some 改any 因为前面是books,any表任意一本书
1.there are 中改is因为 food是不可数名词 2. world 前加 the 世界应为the world 别的实在看不出来

1.but 改为 and/so

2.a half改为 half a

3.put on it 改为 put it on

4.are 改为 is

5.play 改为 playing

6.likes 改为 like

7.are 改为 is

8.watch 改为 watching

9.by 改为 on

10.on 改为 in

1.She does not know London well and she lost her way.
2.I want half a pound of suger.
3.That dress looks nice.Put it on.
4.There is a pen and four books on the desk.
5.Children like playing in the park on Sundays.
6.The Smiths like Chinese food very much.
7.Neither of us is a teacher.
8.Most people enjoy watching TV.
9.I'm going to school on foot.
10.My sister is going to spend the holiday at seaside in summer.

1 but-so 2 half a
3 put it on 4 are -is
5like后加to 或者play-playing
6 like 7 are-is
8 watch-watching.
10 on -in

2.a half→half a(半磅,1/2 half 要放在前面)
3.on it→it on(习惯表达,当宾语是代词,一般放在中间)
4.are→is(there be 就近一致)
5.like play→like playing(like doing 一直喜欢,like to do 短暂喜好)
7.are→is(Neither of us译为我们中一个也没有,单数)
8.watch→watching(enjoy doing动词搭配)
9.by→on(除了步行用on 其他用by,如by car)

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