
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

Adults must in front of high on those a few words, wait for you please react教头饶命啊,我等是受陆虞侯那奸贼指使,草料场是他逼我们烧的,不关我们的事
Coach life ah, I is the traitor by Lu Yu Hou, fodder field he forced us to burn, not our business.ive, and so I will be loyal to the adults

I really love and cherish my account. Maybe I had done some bad things in no mind.If I had done, I'm so sorry.I wish you can give a chance.Thank you.


1.not only can she cook,but also deal with the family affairs.(not only..but also.,,的用法,可以去了解一下)
2.he is in the cleaning clother,which match with his age and body shape.(which的用法,代词,which指代那件干净的衣服)
3.it seems that his condition isn't improved and the doctor worrys about is very much.(it seems that+句子。)
4.u must consider the factors of Air resistance if u want to make plane.(if从句,if有如果,假如的意思,)
5.i cant make sure that i can keep the flower growing in this kind of climate.(sb can make sure that +句子)
6.当我们横穿过那架高桥时,我感觉快窒息了。(cross 是指“横穿”through“直穿”所以这里应该把横穿的意思也出来)
7. a series of nervousness always comes out when i am thinking bout that scene.(最后这句有点矛盾吧,(现在想起来是正在进行时),我时常中的市场是一般现在时,我觉得这句中文本身翻译的就不对)。

1 .she not only could cook, in also expert.
2 he dresses in plain and neat, and his age is shaped to match.
3 his illness as no better now, doctors treated him very worried.
4 to make airplane, you should consider air resistance.
5 in the climate, want to put this precious flowers feed, and I haven't that skill.
7 now remember, I often can produce a kind of sense of tension.

1.She is not only at cooking, but also at dealing with family affairs.
2.His plainand clean clothes become him in his age and figure.
3.His condition seems not to improved ,so the doctor is worried.
4.The matter of air friction should be considered in making planes.
5.i can not make these precious flowers growing in this climate.
7.When I think the scene, I feel a sense of inexplicable nervousness.

1 .Not only can she cook, she is also an expert in regulating a family.
2 His plain and neat clothes match his age and his shape.
3 His condition isn't improved, and the doctor worrys about it very much.
4 To make airplane, you will have to consider air resistance.
5 I haven't the skill to keep the precious flowers alive in such climate.
7 Recalling the past, I can still feel a kind of unnamable tension.

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