
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

Either peole prefer some numbers or reject some others which they think it evil for them.There is no doubt that it is just a sort of superstition which however many people still trust in depth till now for the sake of its stable foundation in thier minds.But taboo numbers in the eastern and western countries differ from each other.


The Chinese traditional culture reckons that all things are composed by the two aspects of Ying and Yang; the creation of all things on earth is only possible with the intercourse of Ying and Yang. Under such a cultural concept, the development of things is in a geometric rundle of one to two, two to four, four to eight and so on. Therefore, even numbers imply auspiciousness in the cultural connotation of the Chinese language.

The Chinese are fond of the meaning of couple in the even numbers, pursuing good things in pairs and longing for a double blessing. Practically all the even numbers and their multiples are meant to be commendatory and propitious signs in the Chinese language. Therefore,many Chinese phrases with even numbers are associated with commendatory meanings. However, due to some kind of special cultural roots, certain odd numbers also appear on the list of China’s auspicious numbers.


"Tarzan" is a Disney classic works of the 37th, that role has been repeatedly onto the screen. The film seems it is so moving. Orangutan mother Tarzan (Tarzan) care, Tarzan's animal friends and its friendship, love, Jane and Tarzan, all the love, is so touching. Mount Tai and its animal friends live in the forest is so happy. It is the purity of the human animal is the most pure feelings, without any utilitarian things.
Tarzan's gorilla mother to take care of care, probably will not lose any of a mother, it is a love from the heart, is without any defects, maternal love is the world's most selfless. On the contrary, there are also many heartbreaking things. Many people look dapper on the surface, it is actually very mean. In order to accumulate their wealth, no matter how ugly things are done out.

"Tarzan" is the 37th classic work of Disney , this character has repeatedly hit the screen. But the film is still quite moving. The orangutan mother‘s care for Tarzan, the friendship of Tarzan and his animal friends, love between Jane and Tarzan, all the love and compassion in the movie is so touching. Tarzan and his animal friends live so happily in the forest. They show the purity of the humans' animality, which is the most pure emotion without any utilitarian things.
Tarzan's orangutan mother'care for him could probably not be defeated by any human mother, it is the kind of love from the bottom of her heart. Without any defects, maternal love is the most selfless in the world. On the contrary, there were also many appalling and heartrending facts:many people look dapper but are actually very despicable. In order to accumulate their wealth, they can do anything no matter how evil it is.

翻译是"Tarzan" is a Disney classic works of the 37th, that role has been repeatedly onto the screen. The film seems it is so moving. Orangutan mother Tarzan (Tarzan) care, Tarzan's animal friends and its friendship, love, Jane and Tarzan, all the love, is so touching. Mount Tai and its animal friends live in the forest is so happy. It is the purity of the human animal is the most pure feelings, without any utilitarian things.
Tarzan's gorilla mother to take care of care, probably will not lose any of a mother, it is a love from the heart, is without any defects, maternal love is the world's most selfless. On the contrary, there are also many heartbreaking things. Many people look dapper on the surface, it is actually very mean. In order to accumulate their wealth, no matter how ugly things are done out. 可以吗?

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