求一首女生唱的英文歌名,好像是dj舞曲,歌词中有tonight和i can……

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
求一首女生唱的英文歌名,好像是dj舞曲,歌词中有tonight和i can… 是我看视频的背

你好,这首歌是Ryos/Joni Fatora的单曲《Neon (Ryos Remix)》

是歌曲《Hymn For The Weekend》。是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队和美国歌手碧昂丝演唱的歌曲,由酷玩乐队填词、谱曲,发行于2016年1月25日。该首歌曲被收录在酷玩乐队第七张录音室专辑《A Head Full Of Dreams》中。
《Hymn For The Weekend》的歌词、曲谱由酷玩乐队创作,制作人包括里克·辛普森、星门制作团队、Digital Divide、Avicii。

酷玩主唱克里斯·马汀曾设想这首歌曲的和声声部的歌词是“Drinks on me”,并认为它应该由酒吧里的一个有钱人大声吼出来。克里斯认为它很类似于《Turn Down for What》这类夜店舞曲,所以给它取名《Drinks on Me》。
不过,乐队的其他成员认为这个歌词设计并不合适、并且不适合克里斯唱,于是劝说他把歌词改成了现在的“drink from me”、并邀请了碧昂丝来演唱这一部分。
《Hymn for the Weekend》是在缤纷的摇滚画布中增色R&B曲风元素的美丽佳作,其开头的设计让人感觉很莫名其妙,而且无法带给听众想象的空间。
碧昂丝的热情歌咏,开辟出一片梦境般的迦南美地;同时,歌曲还透出一股浓浓的“正能量范儿”。歌曲的问题在于,“drink from me”这一歌词与旋律不搭,导致表现出来的效果一塌糊涂。

I Saw You Walking In The Rain

I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.
Tossing and turning
another sleepless night
the rain crashes against my window pane.
Jumpde into my car
and drive too far
that moment I knew I would never be the same.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.

Now here you are begging to me
to give our love another try
More than love you and I always will
but darling
right now I've got to say good-bye.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.

mm: Hi baby what's your day today?
GG: I love you,I want you, baby.
mm: you miss me? Well , I missed you too
GG: hey, come on baby
mm: I missed you so much that I followed you today
GG: what? you followed me?
mm: Yeah, that's right. I saw you with that girl.
GG: what girl?
mm: Walking on the street,kissing her,
holding her hand and now you come back to me ?
No ,baby, forget you but I love you ,
and I can't see you no more.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.
I saw you (and her)
walking in the rain
you were holding hands
you were holding hands
and I'll never be the same.
and I'll never be the same.
I saw you (and her)


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