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美国洛衫矶和纽约 相距离多远?

纽约(The City of New York)是美国最大城市及最大大港,也是世界第一大经济中心,被人们誉为世界之都,位于纽约州东南部。一个多世纪以来,纽约市一直是世界上最重要的商业和金融中心。纽约市是一座全球化的大都市,也是世界级城市。并直接影响着全球的媒体、政治、教育、娱乐以及时尚界。纽约与英国伦敦、日本东京并称为世界三大国际大都会。 纽约之夜纽约市坐落在世界上最大的都会区——大纽约都会区的心脏地带,是国际级的经济、金融、交通、艺术及传媒中心,更被视为都市文明的代表。此外由于联合国总部设于该市,因此被世人誉为“世界之都”。纽约市还是众多世界级博物馆、画廊和演艺比赛场地的所在地,使其成为西半球的文化及娱乐中心之一。由于纽约24小时运营地铁和从不间断的人群,纽约又被称为“不夜城”。而“哥谭镇(愚人村)”这个昵称则出自于美国小说家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)在1807年写的小说。 洛杉矶位于美国西岸加州南部的城市,按照人口排名,洛杉矶是加州的第一大城,也是美国的第二大城,仅次于纽约。洛杉矶是全世界的文化、科学、技术、国际贸易和高等教育中心之一,还拥有世界知名的各种专业与文化领域的机构。该市及紧邻的区域,在大众娱乐—诸如电影、电视、音乐方面构成了洛杉矶的国际声誉和全球地位的基础,闻名世界的好莱坞就位于该市。 各方面来讲是纽约好~~~

Los Angeles 缩写LA
A city of southern California on the Pacific Ocean in a widespread metropolitan area. The so-called City of the Angels was founded by the Spanish in 1781 and served several times as a colonial capital. Its real growth began after the coming of the railroads in the 1870's and 1880's and the discovery of oil in the 1890's. Today it is a major shipping, manufacturing, communications, financial, and distribution center noted for its entertainment industry. Population, 3,485,398.

  Like every large city, some parts of LA are safer than others. For the most part, tourist areas are reasonably safe, which is to say, if you use common sense, you can avoid being the victim of a crime.

  In Your Hotel
  Don't travel with more valuables than will fit in a small hotel safe.
  If you are carrying expensive camera or video equipment that won't fit in the safe, consider carrying it in something other than a standard camera case, or putting your camera case into an ordinary backpack or soft-sided cooler.
  If you're running out for a while and leaving valuables in your room, leave the TV on and leave the "Do Not Disturb" notice on the door. Leave a light on too if you go out in the evening.
  Don't leave extra copies of the room key in the room when you go out.
  Use the extra latches provided to secure the door when you're inside the room.
  If anyone comes to the door claiming to be hotel staff and you haven't specifically requested them, ask for ID and call and confirm with the front desk before letting them in.
  Don't let strangers in your room, no matter how friendly.
  Check that the door is locked when you close it, and don't forget your key in the lock.

  In Your Car
  Keep it locked, whether you are in it or leaving it parked.
  Don't leave luggage, purses, shopping bags, GPS or other electronics or anything else in view.
  If you are driving an SUV or hatchback without a luggage cover, bring a blanket or invest a couple dollars in a sun shade for the windshield that you can throw over anything you need to leave in the car. Since cardboard or collapsible fabric sun shadesare standard equipment for most LA drivers, they look inconspicuous, and can cover a lot of stuff. If you have two, you can use one as a sun shade and one as a luggage cover.

  Out and About
  Although not as bad as some other countries, you should still beware of pickpockets in crowded tourist areas.
  Only carry as much cash as you'll need for a couple days. In LA you can pay for most things with credit or debit cards and ATMs (cash machines) are everywhere.
  Don't carry all your money in one place.
  Don't carry wallets or cash in an outer pocket of clothes, purses or backpacks.
  Make sure purses and backpacks are securely closed. Carry purses under the arm, close to the body.
  Keep some form of identification with you at all times.
  Make copies of your ID and credit cards and email them to yourself at an email address you can access from any computer. That way if they are lost or stolen, you can still provide a copy for the authorities and call to cancel your credit cards. Carry photocopies of your passport in different locations.
  Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. If someone is making you uncomfortable for any reason at all, move away from them.
  Pickpockets usually work in groups of two or three. If you are jostled or bumped, consider that a pickpocket may be in action and check your valuables. If your pocket is picked, call out immediately for assistance.
  Don't hang your purse on the back of a chair in a restaurant or other public place.
  Don't leave valuables in the pockets of a coat you check.
  Most museums require you to check backpacks, so don't carry any valuables in a backpack if you're going to a museum.
  There are a lot of homeless people in LA. Whether you feel inclined to give them money is up to you, but a polite "I'm sorry, I can't help you" is generally enough to get someone to leave you alone. Since some of the homeless are mentally ill or addicts, being rude or mean to them is not helpful, and could put you at unnecessary risk.

  In Nightclubs and Bars
  Always carry ID.
  Carry enough cash to get a cab home, and carry the number for the local cab company.
  Have a rideshare app on your smartphone so you can pay for a ride with your phone in.
  Women should carry a purse small enough to wear and not leave it unattended.
  Don't accept a drink from a stranger unless you watch the bartender pour it or open it.
  Don't leave your drink unattended.
  Don't drink beyond your awareness of what's going on around you.
  There is usually a dollar amount minimum to use a credit card. Try to avoid running a tab, since they hold your credit card until you close out for the night and a lot of people have access to the cards.
  Don't get into arguments with strangers or be confrontational. People get crazy when they drink and you don't want to spend a night in jail for being in a bar fight.
  Beware Hollywood Scams
  If someone tells you that they are a Hollywood producer/director/casting agent, talent scout, and they think you would be a great actor/model, they could be for real, or they could be scamming you. How can you tell the difference?
  Never go with anyone who approaches you like this unless you really want to be a porn star, or they happen to be taping right there on the sidewalk.
  If you recognize the person as Steven Spielberg, or some other famous director, it's probably for real.
  If you have no idea who it is, ask for a business card.
  Tell them you want to make an appointment to meet at their office so you can bring your parent/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend//lawyer with you to the meeting. If they're serious, they should be ok with you bringing a chaperone of your choice.
  Do an internet search for their name. If they are really in the industry, they should show up on www.IMDB.com or be listed with an agency. If they don't show up, you can probably toss the card.
  Beware pseudo talent agencies that want to charge you or your child an up-front fee to be represented by them, or require you to pay for modeling classes.
  Be wary of going alone to any random audition or photo shoot that isn't set up through a legitimate agency. Never go anywhere that you don't feel comfortable. There are legitimate people out there scouting talent, but make sure that you tell someone (even if it's the hotel desk clerk) exactly where you are going, and let the person you are meeting know that people know where you are.

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