
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

In this paper, Wuliangye Group of 30 degrees in ice wine products in the market for product differentiation strategy based on the study, the 30-degree ice wine through the main market-oriented environment, the products of major competitors, with its use in the marketing of the products Differentiation strategy, market differentiation strategy, the difference between the image of the strategy research. Discussion on different strategies in today's corporate marketing strategy in an important position, as well as major methods. This article, first of all, differences in strategy on the concept and its main characteristics, including characteristics of the implementation of conditions, means and methods. Then, to investigate and give an overview of liquor market, and competitors Overview. Finally, the Wuliangye Group of the ice wine products by the difference of strategy and the concept of the text before the match, analysis. That differences in strategy to promote the development of the conclusions of the enterprise market.

The graduation thesis is the undergraduate university four years learning the last and most important link, its main purpose is to train students to use the knowledge and skills, theory with practice, independent analysis, the ability to solve practical problems, to enable students to be engaged in the professional work and conduct basic training. But college students writing graduation thesis has many problems: selection, data collection, writing ability is not strong and so on. The problems in college students graduation thesis and how to improve the quality of inquiry.

"The beauty gathers one" the idea is in the Confucianism one
harmonious idea which relates about the beauty. Is containing the rich
philosophy and the deep theory value. "The beauty gathers one" the
thought elaborated China ancient times the philosopher to the person
and the nature harmonious paragenesis, the happy friendly relations.
Looked in Taoism that, the day is natural, the person is a natural
part. Therefore Zhuang-zi said: "Has the person, the day; Has the day,
also day." The beauty originally is gathers one. "The beauty gathers
one" is one kind of thought, also is one kind of ideal condition.
"Gathers one the thought using the beauty", can express the
construction, the person, the natural paragenesis relations. "The
beauty gathers one" the boundary is my final design goal, I must build
am a building and the nature harmonious paragenesis, the person and
the building happy melt, in the room and outside mutually seeps poetic
sentiment space.


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