
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-20

D 强调句
C 强调句
D nowhere开头巨资倒装 然后再看第二空后面是个词组不是句子 所以只能用
A 定语从句
B not开头倒装

1) C【A:不是“重载”而是“重写”】【C:抽象类只能被继承,不能直接使用】2)A【Math.abs(rd.nextInt())%4得到0~3的随机数】

1、Tom is alcohol and considers drinking as vital part of his life.
A short of , B aware of ,C addicted to ,D faced with
A。缺乏,B知道D.面临, 均不妥,排除。

2、A performance by students in our institute tonight. It might be very wonderful , I suppose.
A is to put on ,B is to be put on ,C was to be put on ,D is to be putted on
3、Although Anne is happy with her career success ,she wonders will happen to her private life.
A that , B what ,C it , D this
4、If I had remembered the window ,the thief would not have got in.
A to chose B closing C to have closed D having closed

1、Tom is alcohol and considers drinking as vital part of his life.
A short of , B aware of ,C addicted to ,D faced with
选择C,be addicted to 对。。。上瘾。Tom对喝酒,认为喝酒是他生命中重要的一部分。
2、A performance by students in our institute tonight. It might be very wonderful , I suppose.
A is to put on ,B is to be put on ,C was to be put on ,D is to be putted on
选择B,be to do表示即将做某事,一般将来,要用IS,put的过去分词还是put
3、Although Anne is happy with her career success ,she wonders will happen to her private life.
A that , B what ,C it , D this
4、If I had remembered the window ,the thief would not have got in.
A to chose B closing C to have closed D having closed
选择A。remember to do ,记得做某事。

1、Tom is alcohol and considers drinking as vital part of his life.
C addicted to ,
2、A performance by students in our institute tonight. It might be very wonderful , I suppose.
B is to be put on ,
3、Although Anne is happy with her career success ,she wonders will happen to her private life.
B what ,
4、If I had remembered the window ,the thief would not have got in.
A to chose

C be addicted to 沉迷于

B 将要举行 用 to be done 结构 put的过去分词还是put

B 翻译就好 她想知道她的私人生活将会变成怎样

C remember to be done 本该做而未做 doing表示做了

1C 沉溺于酒精
4A remember to do 记得没有做的事 remember doing记得已经做过的事

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