
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

If you are playing with my sentiment,please go away !


Transportation industry as a whole, the rapid economic development, social harmony and stability to lay a solid foundation, but also caused traffic congestion, traffic chaos phenomenon. South Korea is the world's largest per capita car ownership is one of the countries, but also become the world's highest rates of traffic accidents on one of the countries, after this series of management measures, South Korea, the situation gradually improved traffic safety, from the last century Came out of bad situations, it is worth studying in various countries.

Transportation industry as a whole, the rapid economic development, social harmony and stability to lay a solid foundation, but also caused traffic congestion, traffic chaos phenomenon. South Korea is the world's largest per capita car ownership is one of the countries, but also become the world's highest rates of traffic accidents on one of the countries, after this series of management measures, South Korea, the situation gradually improved traffic safety, from the last century Came out of bad situations, it is worth studying in various countries.

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