promises后加什么形式  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02
make promises后面接动词什么形式

  应该是不定式,make promises to do ,也可以接从句

promise 美 ['prɑmɪs];英 ['prɒmɪs]

1.For her family, life seemed to have no promise.

2.He did not carry out his promise to us.

transitive verb①(pledge)答应 ‹person›; 许诺 ‹present, money, better conditions›to promise ([somebody]) that ...答应(某人)… to promise ([somebody]) to do [something]答应(某人)做某事 I promise you我向你保证 I'll do it tomorrow, I promise!我明天做这事,我保证! he has promised a thorough investigation他答应彻底调查 to promise [somebody] [something], to promise [something] to [somebody]向某人许诺某事 I can't promise anything我无法作出任何许诺 to promise [somebody] the earth or moon向某人开空头支票 ②(predict with confidence)预报 ‹weather›; 断言 ‹harvest, outcome›the weathermen have promised us a sunny day tomorrow气象员预报明日晴天 we're promised more winter weather tonight预报说今晚的天气会更寒冷 it won't be easy, I promise不会容易的,我敢说 ③(give prospect of)预示 the clouds promised rain乌云预示有雨 it promises to be a fine day/lively party看来将是晴天/欢快的聚会 C.reflexive verbto promise oneself that ...期望…to promise oneself to do [something]期望做某事I've promised myself a new coat this winter我想这个冬天为自己弄件新外套

promise doing sth 表示承诺做某事,已经在做。
promise to do 表示承诺做某事, 但还没有做。

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  • promise 的第三人称形式
    答:promise 美 ['prɑmɪs];英 ['prɒmɪs]v.承诺;保证;答应;许诺 n.承诺;诺言;许诺;获得成功的迹象 promise第三人称单数为promises。例句 1.For her family, life seemed to have no promise.对她家而言,生活没有任何希望。2.He did not carry out his promise to...
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    答:as well as 与动词连用时,其后可用V-ing形式,尤其as well as 位于句首时,此时相当于in addition to。例如:As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm.他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊。She sings as well as playing the piano.她不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。