
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04



Once Upon a Time in America

When "Once Upon A Time in America" was initially released, there wasn't much of a stir in America due to the well-documented excision of around an hour and half of footage. But, on its release to home video, the restored, uncut version was suddenly available to American viewers. Thank God. This is a deeply moving, emotionally-wrenching film that deserves its ranks in the annals of some of the greatest motion pictures ever filmed. Movie lovers will delight in this film from frame to frame. Top-notch performances, extended sequences with attention to detail that rival the best Kubrick films, and plot twists told through inventive flashback sequences make this a movie-lovers paradise.
I remember when it first came out, I was mesmerized by it for three reasons. Firstly, when it was released there was possibly never a more violent film than this one, with the possible exception of Scarface. Thus, the action is first-rate. Secondly, the performances were all compelling. One performance that went overlooked, I think, was Tuesday Weld's volatile performance as the damaged and emotionally scarred girlfriend of the equally volatile Woods. DeNiro, of course, holds every scene he's in; there's a great sequence in the film involving crooked cop Danny Aiello and a sick practical joke played on him by the gangsters seeking to influence him; additionally, a young Jennifer Connelly gives a fine performance as the childhood sweetheart of one of the gang-members. Thirdly, the pacing of the film was deliberately extended in several sequences to allow for Ennio Morricone's haunting, melancholic, and most deeply felt musical score. When Morricone's music swells, so collectively do we, and the play on the screen becomes the ultimate tragedy that can never have a happy ending.

Some of the visuals of the film are especially striking, not the least of which is the aerial shot of DeNiro lying under a mesh cover on a mattress in an opium den, grinning goofily while he allows the opium to take its effect, and wipe away the memories of his betrayal. Other standout visuals include the shot of a frisbee flying through the air to introduce yet another flashback sequence, the opening sequences of horrifying violence, and a final sequence involving a garbage truck.

All of this together creates an unforgettable movie experience, one that will stay with the viewer for a long time.

When Harry Met Sally

Something has always bothered me about romantic comedies, i.e. you rarely actually get to see the couple fall in love, you know, actually witness the growth of the bond between them. They just fall in love, but you don't really get to be there. Except when you're watching 'When Harry Met Sally'. Rob Riener made a better film from a Nora Ephron script than she ever could. No offence to her, she's just a better writer than she is director. And Meg Ryan is so much better with Billy Crystal than Tom Hanks, although I have nothing but respect for Mr.Hanks. The thing is that its not just a genuinely and consistently funny movie, it's also terribly romantic. It spans about twleve years in the lives of both Harry and Sally, from their first meeting at college. They grow and change, they like and dislike each other, they become romantically involved and then they don't. The whole thing is very engrossing and witty but never seems far fetched or fantastical. I rate this movie as a contender for cinema's best romantic comedy. Enjoy the dialogue, the charm, the music, the drama and melodrama and give praise to Rob Riener and his magnificant team who made a wonderful film. The stars have not reunited since and it is possibly for the best as it would be an extremely difficult task to repeat this kind of quality. Chemistry and genuine emtion are hard to come by in this genre, enjoy it while you can.

A great romantic comedy that can be enjoyed by both men and women is a rare treat. This film is one of those rareties. Director Rob Reiner has us laughing at each other as well as ourselves in this story that lovingly highlights the inner workings of both sexes.
Harry and Sally(Billy Crystal/Meg Ryan) meet for the first time right after college graduation as they spend their first 18 hours together car pooling from Chicago to New York.They instantly fall for each other, BUT... neither one realizes that. Right away we see the difference of how men and women think, and how funny those differences can be. Upon reaching New York they part ways because theoretically "Men and women can't be just friends".

Over the years, they run into each other several times(destiny?),still not understanding the other's ways, but eventually become best friends, even trying to fix each other up, as they see each other through various relationships that didn't work out.Eventually they do begin to understand the other and feel themselves falling, but why ruin a good friendship with love and sex... right? How long will it take for these two to realize..."It Had To Be You"?

Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan have a magnificent on screen chemistry, and they'll have you laughing and rooting for them.
Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher are expert at playing the well meaning friends. There are some wonderful scenes of older couples being interviewed that will have you rolling. Rob Reiner does a brillant job of bringing us this everyday world of the gender gap.

You'll also love the soundtrack for this film. Lots of old standards, performed by Frank Sinatra, Duke Ellington and some really marvelous stuff by a very young Harry Connick Jr. Nora Ephron wrote the screenplay and was nominated for an Oscar for her outstanding work.

shit ,中国的教育完蛋了

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