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Everyone of us has dream, way and future. Our dreams always be so beautiful and entrusts the hope. However, more beautiful dream are more easily to be broken. The road of life won't be easy, often give us experience hard and suffering. Because it's the only way to make life more meaningful. ,we will live a more excited life than the one who has peaceful life
Reality always be very cruel, in our growth process, it will make us lose some wonderful things, just like our childhood which never return as a song, and then bring us innumerable challenges. Gradually, you will find the pression on shoulder is heavier and get more suffering experience , while your mind, too.it's the power of reality,Let us lose many also get a lot.
Finish the way you choose , even go through it on the kneel, because everyone around us shoud be cherished, everything is worthy to do attentively and every minute is worthy to spend with life. Everything is just temporary, but dreams is eternal, we should grasp the time now, efforts to struggle, throw away all fear, let‘s make our dream ture with confidence, courage and create our brilliant life

Each one of us has our own dreams. Own pathway, own future and own dream. Everything is so wonderful, sustenances each of our dreams. But the more beautiful and dream is, the easier to let us dissapointed. The pathway of life will not be smooth for us to go through at once. It always makes us to experience some difficulties and suffering. However, this is the only way to make life more meaningful for everyone. Compare to those who have a peaceful life, our lifes will be more brilliant than they do. The truths are always cruel. During our process to grow, it will make us to lose some beautiful things. Just like the childhood is not going to return back. It gives us countless challenges. Gradually, we will feel the responsibility on our shoulders will be heavier and heavier. Also the difficulties we experienced will be more and more. In addtion, your mental will be getting more mature. This is the effort of the truths. It makes us to lose a range of things, but also gain more things than we lost.
The pathway that you choose by yourself, you should finish it off even though you need to kneel down to walk through. Because every single person beside us is someone that is worth to us to treasure. Everything is worth for us to do with our hearts. Every minute is worth for us to spend with our lifes. Everything is just temporary. Only the dreams are forever. We need to hold the today well, do your best to strive. Leave all the fears aside, use our bravery, confidence and persistent to achieve our own dreams, make up our glory.

附: 我真的是自己逐句翻译的了. 请给分.

Everyone has his own dream, has his own way, has his own future. Our dreams are always beautiful and they contain the hope of each of us. However, the more beautiful the dream is, the easier it will be broken. The way of our life won't be plain sailing. It will always let us experience some difficulties and hardship. And only in this way, our life will be more meaningful. Comparing with the people whose life is plain sailing, we will live more wonderful. The real is always cruel. In our process of growing, it will let us miss some wonderful things as the childhood which won't return and bring us a lot of countless challenges. Gradually, you will find that the burden on your shoulders will be heavier and heavier. The more hardship you experience, the more mature your thinking will be. This is the power of the real that let us miss a lot and achieve a lot at the same time. The way you chose you must go to the end even if you kneel to go because everyone besides us is worth cherishing for us, and everything is worth doing for us by heart, and every mintue is worth spending our life for us. Everthing is temporarily, but only dreams are foever. We should hold nowadays and work hard and leave all the fears. Let's use our courage and use our confidence and use our insistence to realize our dreams and create our refulgence.

Everyone has its own dreams,ways,futures.Our dreams are always so beautiful ,which are made of our dreams. However, dreams are too beautiful to be brorken up. But the more beautiful and dream is, the easier to let us dissapointed. The pathway of life will not be smooth for us to go through at once. It always makes us to experience some difficulties and suffering. However, this is the only way to make life more meaningful for everyone. Compare to those who have a peaceful life, our lifes will be more brilliant than they do. The truths are always cruel. During our process to grow, it will make us to lose some beautiful things. Just like the childhood is not going to return back. It gives us countless challenges. Gradually, we will feel the responsibility on our shoulders will be heavier and heavier. Also the difficulties we experienced will be more and more. In addtion, your mental will be getting more mature. This is the effort of the truths. It makes us to lose a range of things, but also gain more things than we lost.
The pathway that you choose by yourself, you should finish it off even though you need to kneel down to walk through. Because every single person beside us is someone that is worth to us to treasure. Everything is worth for us to do with our hearts. Every minute is worth for us to spend with our lifes. Everything is just temporary. Only the dreams are forever, we need to hold the today well, do your best to strive. Leave all the fears aside, use our bravery, confidence and persistent to achieve our own dreams, make up our glorious.

We each people all have own dream, have their own way, have their own future, our dreams, always so beautiful, entrusts every one of us hope. However, the more beautiful dream more easily broken. The road of life, not bon voyage, always can let us experience some strike and suffering. Because the only way, life will appear more meaningful. Life is calm than those people, we will live a more exciting.

Reality, always very cruel, in our growth process, it will make us lose some wonderful things, just like a song not return childhood, and then bring us innumerable challenges. Gradually, you will find the courage heavier shoulder the suffering will be more experience, while your mind, also will be more and more mature. This is real power, let us lose many also get a lot.

Choose your own way, kneeling will go through, because beside us everyone worth us to cherish, everything worth we attentively to do, every minute, is worth us to spend with life. Everything was only temporary, and only dreams is eternal, we should grasp now, efforts to struggle, throw away all fear, let us use with confidence, courage, with persistent to realize our dreams, create our brilliant

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