
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-13

“看书”用英语: read a book
She bent her head to read a book.
我真的不知道是什么使他们变的如此华丽,但他们比你平时使用的眼镜有更多的功能。 他们允许你平躺在床上的时候,看书或者看电视。
I really have no idea what makes them ‘deluxe’ but they’re designed to fit over your regularglasses and allow you to read a book or watch TV while lying flat on your back.
But in a separate test in Dallas, kids who were paid $2 every time they read a book achievedsignificantly higher scores on the reading comprehension section of the test.
另一方面,有30%的美国人表示他们唯一想做的休闲活动就是看书, 21%的人表示看电视是他们最喜欢做的事,这是好消息。
On the other hand, 30% of American survey said they would rather read a book than do anything else, 21% said watching TV is their favorite activity, that's the good news.
Some students were reading; some were listening to the radio.
You do it. Yeah, you know where you read this.
And she’d look up and smile and go back to her book and he’d massage her feet.
This process can be done with anything, from washing dishes to reading to writing.
However because I wanted her to be a reader I allowed her to make the choices and shebecame a reader.
The man asks his neighbor how she's able to read outside on the device.

看书的英语:Read a book
读音:[ri:d;red] [æ] [bʊk]
1、Read Like A Book 一目了然
2、read in a book 在一本书中看到
3、Read a new book 阅读一本新书
4、Read A Good Book 读一本好书
1、I never read a book before review it; it prejudice one so.
2、Let's turn the television off, I'd sooner read a book.
3、I need glasses when I read a book.
4、It is too dark in this room for me to read a book.

1、reading英 ['riːdɪŋ]美 ['ridɪŋ]
[例句]I asked her what books she had been reading.
2、peruse英 [pə'ruːz]美 [pə'ruz]
vt. 详细考察;精读
[例句]there for all netheads to peruse

read books

read a book 看书、读书、读一本书

read book

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