请英语牛人详细 准确 解答 请写清楚题号 答得最详细最清楚最好的就给分咯 模棱两可不太懂就不要乱留言谢谢

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09
请英语牛人详细 准确 解答 请写清楚题号 答得最详细最清楚最好的就给分咯 模棱两可不太懂就不要乱留言 谢

1.be that as it may,whether it's 15,000,20,000 or 30,000 years ago,the paintings are from the dawn of art.
(1)倒装结构:[be that as it may]=[As it may be that],作用就是强调语气了。
(2)这种用法主要标志是as。当As表示让步关系的时候,系动词后面的部分可以原封不动的搬到句首,就是这样。一个很相似的例句:Alone as he is, he never feels lonely.
(3)同时【be that as it may】是一个比较常见的让步结构,一般翻译为【尽管如此】。

2.Horses are most common overall with deer and bison pretty common too.
(1)这个表被它所迷惑,我帮你加一个逗号:[Horses are most common overall, with deer and bison pretty common too.]
(2)其实这句话的同义句为:Horses are most common overall, and/while deer and bison are pretty common too.
(3)但是这里作者换用了介词with, 于是后面不再是一句话,而是一个介词+宾语+宾语补足语的结构,with sth. adj., 表示一种伴随状态,同时谁谁谁怎么样。意思是【马是最常见的,同时鹿和野牛也十分常见。】

3.Remember that the ranges of many animal species were different back then so all these animals actually lived in the region at that time.
(1) [back then] (=a long time ago when things were different) 过去,曾经,过往,那时。
例句:I was paid £1000, which was a lot of money back then in the 1950s.

4.Before we get into that though,it's probably a good thing to back up a bit.

5.I though being exposed to radiation is dangerous.
(这里的being exposed是被动语态 然后因为作主语用being 对吗?)
EXACTLY! 这个就是动名词形式。

6.help them find their own way and what it meant to be who they were.
So that's something that I think is definitely as relevant today as it was then,probably,especially among young adults like yourselves.
(1) what it meant to be who they were,这是一个名词从句,里面又套了一个名词从句,我们先看who they were, 显而易见“他们是谁”。事实上更应该是“他们的身份”;
(2) 而大名词从句的正常结构是it meant [what] to be who they were;这是一个it做了形式主语而不定式做真正主语的结构,也就是“to be who they were”的意义。
(3)think sth. adj, 认为某事怎样;as adj.as ...与...一样如何;
(4)as relevant today as it was then 在今天仍然与当时一样重要的;
(5) that's something that I think is definitely as relevant today as it was then ,that引导了定语从句,i think的宾语是something.[所以这是一个在我看来在今天必然仍与当时一样重要的问题。]

7.That's what matters more.
(1)这个很简单了。知道一句话叫[It doesn't matter]吧,没关系。那么其实matter这个动词意思就是“有关系”。
(2)what matters, 名词从句,就是“有关系的事情”,也就是“很有影响、很重要的事情”;what matters more, 就是更重要的事情。
(3)【That's what matters more.】【这才是更关键的一点。】

8.This is one of the most famous bits of the essay.
(1)bits of 仍然不是连在一起的。
(2)This is one of the most famous bits [of the essay.]
(3)其实前面说的是one of the bits,bit就是一小部分,一点。famous bit就是:著名的一点;


1.You won't need to write anything new just yet.
你并不需要此时此刻就写新东西啊! just yet此时此刻

2.P:...Then about six to eight weeks after birth,the offspring leave their mothers.
语法:时间状语Then about six to eight weeks after birth
then 在这里,我认为是表示估计的语气
the offspring /leave/ their mothers
主语 谓语 宾语
S:Really?Just six weeks?Is that possible to offspring to make it on their own so young?
可能么? 就6周的时间? 那么点大的小东西有可能自力更生么?
语法:Is that possible to offspring to make it on their own so young?是疑问句,还原成肯定句,就是it‘s possible for the offsprings to make their own on themselves so yong.
it's possible for sb to do sth. 某人可能做某事。疑问句的it 做形式主语,that做引导词,还原成肯定句的话,实际的主语就是to make ...这会比较好理解了。
P:Well,it's not as if they aren't ready for the real world beause they are.
嗯,不是“可能”,而是(beause 因为,但我觉得翻译成“而是”比较符合我们的口语)实际上他们已经(准备好)自力更生了。
语法:as if 是如果,即使 ,引导 they aren't ready for the real world (我忘了是不是条件状语从句?)beause they are 后面省略了ready for the real world ,因为前面有一模一样,在英语上就不用多次一举再写一遍了。
3.You were looking at variations in climate in the Grant City area,right?How far along have you gotton? 你一直都在注意着格兰特的气候的变化对不对?你知道多少了?
along 是副词,单独地,我觉得把它提前是因为要强调掌握信息的多少,是西方人的习惯性说法。along 不一定提前,可以单独作句子,放在后面。上句也可表述为How far have you gotton,along?
4.I value something as a means to something else.
as a means to 读起来很有问题,a 是“一个”的意思,means是复数,又是单数又是复数的。其次,正确来说,as a mean/means 是一个固定搭配,翻译成“一种...方法/手段”。means做复数有不同于mean的意思,意思是方法、手段,工具,还有礼貌的意思。
as ...to是像。。。一样,将。。。比作。。之类的,总之有比较的意思在里面。
同refer to 不同,refer to 指根据。。(证据、事实、某人的话等等),一般是证明某事要用的。要有说服力。如果这里用refer to ,语法上看似可以,但就是读得非常不对劲!这就是语感咯。若真的要用refer to ,就不能用else而是elses,因为要举例大量的证据才有说服力啊。

5.P:it's not going well? 有什么麻烦么?
S:Not really.也不算什么麻烦事。I'm worried about the other two people in my group.我只是为了队里的两名成员烦恼着而已!They are just sitting back,not really doing their fair share of the work.
第一个Not really语句上是否定,否认上面反义疑问句的问题。

6.The applied arts are thus bound by the laws of physics,which pertain to both the materials used in their making and the substances and things to be contained,supported,and sheltered. 应用艺术因此被事物的规律所限,既摆脱不了生产资料的限制,又从属于掩盖在事物表面之下、支撑着事物的本质属性。(这句太哲学了,我最怕翻译这东西!)
翻译诀窍:遇到这种情况,不要被“both .. and ..”限制,既然知道pertain to 是管两个动作的,这么多的and就用、或者,隔开,反正意思不错就行。


1.You won't need to write anything new just yet.
just yet, 恰好现在 这时还(不能)…

2.P:...Then about six to eight weeks after birth,the offspring leave their mothers.
S:Really?Just six weeks?Is that possible to offspring to make it on their own so young?
P:Well,it's not as if they aren't ready for the real world beause they are.

3.You were looking at variations in climate in the Grant City area,right?How far along have you got to?
你正在关注格兰特城地区的气候吗?你到那里有多远?gotton书写错误,应该为get to.
along 在这里用作副词,修饰get to,提前是为了疑问句的结构要求。

4. I value something as a means to something else.
means to 表示强调——对…来说很重要,
而refer to,提及、涉及——强调度不高。

5.P:it's not going well?
S:Not really.I'm worried about the other two people in my group.They are just sitting back,not really doing their fair share of the work.

6.The applied arts are thus bound by the laws of physics,which pertain to both the materials used in their making and the substances and things to be contained,supported,and sheltered.

7. Such legs would have been far,过去将来完成式

