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kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

沙拉在西方是非常受欢迎的 它们由生菜或者是水果做成的 吃起来也很健康 也是很好吃的 夏天吃沙拉是非常棒的 炎热的夏天 沙拉非常清爽和凉快 这儿有一种做蔬菜沙拉的方法 第一步 买一些生菜 西红柿 和胡萝卜 当然也要买一些沙拉酱 下一步 好好清洗一下蔬菜 然后 切好蔬菜并放在碗里 在此之后 放上沙拉酱 最后 将沙拉酱和蔬菜搅拌一下 你就可以享用你的沙拉了

儿子马克三年级的时候,攒了两个多月的零花钱,要为他爱的人买礼物。他攒了20 美金。12月的第三个周六,马克说做了一个礼物清单,而且钱都放在口袋里了。我开车把他送到一个药店,我们过去都叫做“Five and Dime”。马克整理了一下篮子,就自己过去了。我就在店前面耐心的等。马克用了45分多钟挑选了自己要买的礼品。.
他走到收银台时脸上的笑容很灿烂。店员把他买的东西打进收纳机。马克控制的很好,钱正好够用。当他把小手伸进口袋拿钱的时候,却发现钱没了。口袋里有个洞,但是钱没了。马克提着篮子站在店中央,脸上挂满了泪珠。然后奇怪的事情发生了。.店里的一位顾客走向马克。她弯下腰,搂着马克温和地说:“收下我的钱吧,就算帮我的忙了。这将是你给我的最棒的礼物。有一天如果你长大了,希望你能找到你能帮助的人。而当你真正帮助别人的时候,我知道你会像我现在一样感觉非常棒的。”马克收下了钱, 试着擦干眼泪,迅速的走向收银台。我想我们每个人都十分开心,就像马克把它们发给我们时的感受一样。


Weight method - magnesium sacrificial anodes protection design in underground pipes

Abstract: This paper presents the reality of magnesium sacrificial anodes protection ,and advice the importance of magnesium sacrificial anodes protection in underground pipes.We analysed and consummated the construction norms of magnesium sacrificial anodes protection. We
advice the design of weight method, standardizing scientifically and popularly the use of magnesium anodes.

Keywords: electrochemical corrosion;cathodic protection;protective power;prescription ;drainage


The weight method underground pipeline magnesium sacrificial anode protection construction design
Abstract: this paper introduces magnesium sacrificial anode for cathodic protection system, and puts forward the practical condition of underground pipeline design sacrificial anode protection of necessity, Magnesium sacrificial anode ground construction standard research, Further perfect sacrificial anode design specifications, Put the weight method design, Magnesium industry anode on the use of science popularization.
Keywords: the electrochemical corrosion, Cathodic protection, Protective power, Aging, LiuKou row

重量法 地下管道镁牺牲阳极保护施工设计

Underground pipes weight magnesium sacrificial anodes designed to protect construction

Abstracts: The magnesium sacrificial anode cathodic protection for the reality of the situation, the underground pipeline design the need for sacrificial anode protection; on magnesium sacrificial anode underground construction norms to conduct the study; further improve the design specifications of sacrificial anode; proposed design of the weight of law; of Magnesium Anode the popularization of the use of scientific norms.

Key words: electrochemical corrosion; cathodic protection; protective power; limitation; drainage mouth

The weight method underground pipeline magnesium sacrificial anode protection construction design
Abstract: this paper introduces magnesium sacrificial anode for cathodic protection system, and puts forward the practical condition of underground pipeline design sacrificial anode protection of necessity, Magnesium sacrificial anode ground construction standard research, Further perfect sacrificial anode design specifications, Put the weight method design, Magnesium industry anode on the use of science popularization.
Keywords: the electrochemical corrosion, Cathodic protection, Protective power, Aging, LiuKou row

Underground pipes weight magnesium sacrificial anodes designed to protect construction Digest: The magnesium sacrificial anode cathodic protection for the reality of the situation, the underground pipeline design the need for sacrificial anode protection; magnesium sacrificial anode on the ground floor of the construction norms of the study; further improve the design specifications of sacrificial anode ; to design the weight of law; Magnesium anode on the popularization of the use of scientific norms. Key words: electrochemical corrosion; cathodic protection; protective power; limitation; drainage mouth