
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04
短学期计划 英语作文

New term is coming, all things have changed, but one thing I have never forgot, which is studying studying and studying. Next term, I will went the senior school, so I must do a good job in entrance exam of senior school. As these reason, I plan a design for my study.

  The first thing, I will never waste my time again, you know Franklin said :"Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today." I will do it as good as Words of Franklin.

  The second, I will ask more questions which is a puzzle for me. Because of these things can let me understand all of knowledge in book very well.

  The third, I will do more execrises.For example, English, Maths, Chinese and so on.

  To sum up, time is too improtant to let me get a good performance, so action is only one thing I can do! I will action more, less talking.

New year plan
Time flies, the twinkling of an eye, a new year has arrived. In order for the new year can have a more fulfilling, I'm going to write a new plan.
First of all, I have to work harder, to cherish the time. Secondly, I would like to learn some skills in order to better take care of myself. Finally, I have to pay more attention to my mother, father, let them more fun.
New year is a new beginning, I hope that in the coming years I can do better.

The new year has come, we are more nervous, in order to the ultimate goal we have to work hard and struggle.
As the saying goes, except the old welcome new. The days are getting newer and newer, and we are going to correct our shortcomings even more, correct our bad habits, take the best of them, and throw away the dross. Although the day is radiant, but we have to fight hard. How to work harder, I will give you a talk. First of all, interest is the best teacher, cultivate interest on it, and then learn, you will feel more effective. Second, learning is mainly about the use of spare time. This time generally stipulates two things: making up and raising.

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