
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04
英文邮件 索要资料

Hello! Given the need to change the company can only be made for inspection! Has now successfully passed the inspection, it can begin to change the matters to proceed. Need some information to confirm your signature, I will send express to you, and will require the material and the direction you need to specify the signature, please note that check!

文献的话,不需要什么模板,礼貌的直接说明就可以了,一般国外的大学很乐意提供发展中国家的学者做研究,甚至会热情到让你觉得....a feeling of almsgiving


I have not received the documents you sent by mail. I have made several trips to the post office but they told me it has not arrived.

I was wondering if the translated address was incorrect. The post office here often get confused with addresses written in English.

Enclosed please find the correct address in both Chinese and English. Please use this label on the package to ensure accurate delivery. I'd really appreciate it if you could try it one more time.

Or if there's any way to track where the package is, it might also help. I'm not sure if it was mailed registered.


I have not received your documents by mail, have also asked about previous post, but did not find, I might not have the problem of address translation, China's post office address easy to confuse the English, the Chinese language and accompanied by accurate English addresses, please paste it directly on the envelope to send one, Thank you very much!

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