
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02
1. 智能家居:语音识别技术为智能家居提供了全新的控制和交互方式。 leading companies like Amazon, Google, Baidu, Xiaomi, and Alibaba have all launched their own smart speaker products. Serving as the primary entry point for smart home interaction, smart speakers play a crucial role without the need for additional integration with heavy service home appliances. Beyond regular tasks such as setting schedules, playing music, and providing weather updates, smart speakers can also control lighting, air conditioning, televisions, curtains, doors and windows, and security and monitoring systems. In the future, smart homes will feature comprehensive product intelligence, with voice technology and other innovations deeply integrated. Figure 1-4 illustrates several forms of smart speakers.
2. 智慧生活与办公:智慧生活涵盖了许多场景,包括语音控制的硬件、可穿戴设备以及语音助手等。 As smart wearable devices trend towards smaller and screenless designs, intelligent voice control emerges as a natural interface. Whether it's through glasses, headphones, watches, or bracelets, voice interaction is more convenient and natural. Voice assistants are among the earliest products to embed voice recognition technology, with Strategy Analytics predicting that by 2023, 90% of smartphones will be equipped with AI voice assistants. Other consumer-grade products include translators, dictation pens, and voice input methods, all of which rely heavily on the accuracy of voice recognition technology and are increasingly widespread in applications such as office work, education, and travel.
3. 智能汽车:智能汽车领域也是语音识别技术快速发展的应用场景之一。 Beyond L4 and L5 levels of autonomous driving, in-vehicle voice interaction is an integral part of the intelligent cockpit, expected to play an even more significant role in the future of automobiles. Unlike traditional in-car systems that rely on buttons or screens for operation, technologies such as multimodal fusion detection, intelligent voice interaction, and multi-screen interactive gesture control will become standard features in the next-generation intelligent cockpits. With a relatively stable in-car environment, high voice recognition rates are achievable, making the cockpit an ideal space for deploying voice interaction. This liberation of the driver's hands not only enhances safety but also significantly improves the driving experience.
4. 语音质检:语音质检技术广泛应用于智能外呼和客服领域。 Through voice recognition and speaker recognition technologies, not only can customer needs be analyzed for potential demands and user profiles to provide personalized customer service and precise product marketing, but also can the compliance of conversation content be audited and reviewed, thereby enhancing service satisfaction.
5. 智慧物流:在物流仓储作业中,拣货是一项成本最高的任务,占总作业量的50% to 70%. Voice picking is a method where warehouse staff use Bluetooth headsets to communicate with a voice system to advance picking tasks. Traditional voice picking involves human-to-human communication, which is time-consuming and costly. With voice recognition and synthesis technology, warehouse staff can directly communicate with the warehouse management system. The system guides the staff to specific storage locations using voice commands, and the staff confirm their actions verbally, with the warehouse management system directly recognizing the staff's voice for corresponding data processing.

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