物流论文摘要 翻译成英语 谢谢达人!!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04
物流论文摘要 翻译成英语 谢谢!!

With the substantial influx of foreign logistics companies, and its advanced management concepts, means and efficiency of services to China's logistics industry offers great opportunities and challenges, the majority of logistics enterprises in China has mainly focused on the provision of transport, warehousing and logistics services and other functions, function of the price of services through competition for market competition. To change this situation, the most important thing is to go beyond the traditional logistics service mode, the service concept, content, modes of innovation. First of all, get a clear understanding of the functional integration of logistics and logistics in the nature of the services, objectives, and customer relations, the essential difference between; Secondly, in the transportation, warehousing, distribution services and other functions based on the continuous innovation of services, basic services, from logistics to an extension of value-added services to provide customers with differentiated, personalized logistics services; At the same time, in accordance with customer needs, combined with the development of logistics enterprises in their own strategies, and customer service to find the best way. This paper reviewed a large number of enterprise service management, and logistics services related to the evaluation of research data on the basis of the logistics enterprises from reality, from the operational point of view of strengthening the quality of logistics services, build a new logistics service quality management system, fine management, actively adopt advanced logistics technology to improve the quality of service response logistics.

In times as well as the rapid development of socialist market economy today, the development of e-commerce is becoming more and more attention and concern, the advantage is becoming more and more obvious. E-commerce transactions in the "four circulations" business flow, information flow and cash flow, etc all can be done with the aid of the virtual environment of the Internet channel, but the "logistics" most goods and services are needed by traditional way of logistics distribution, has a role in the development of e-commerce. In recent years, as a new kind of logistics business - the third party logistics has been developed rapidly, e-commerce has brought new vigor. Therefore, in the electronic commerce environment of the development of the third party logistics has become a problem of concern.

Automobile manufacturing business is one of the major business in our economic activities. Since the development of the integration of world economy becomes faster, automobile manufacturing business needs to change accordingly based on the changes of the market demands. these demands include less delivery time, higher standards/quality, lower cost and better customer services. these demands will force the automobile manufacturing business to shorten the R&D time for newer models. they also need to react promptly based on the market changes and lower the manufacturing cost to improve the development of the business. Based on the fact listed above, third party trucking business emerges as the market required.
this paper demonstrates the strength, weakness, opportunities and the threats of third party trucking business in China. based on these point of views, author has several recommendations to improve the compatibility of third party trucking business. It also includes strategy to the correspondent competition. Hopefully, it would help the development of third party trucking business in China.
(keywords) trucking business, strength, weakness, opportunities, threats and strategy.

Automobile industry is the pillar of the national economy. With the process of global economic integration accelerate, automobile manufacturing enterprises are faced with the changing market demand and shorten delivery time, improve quality and reduce the cost and improve the service of pressure, forcing the automobile manufacturing enterprises to improve the development of new products to market fast speed and response, reduce production cost, promote the development of the enterprise. Thus, the third party logistics enterprise and cars.
Based on our third automobile logistics enterprises of the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats, and based on this analysis, how to make the automobile logistics supply chain improves overall competitive advantage, and puts forward some Suggestions for the corresponding strategies. China aims to promote the development of third party logistics industry car.
【Keywords】strength weakness opportunity threat Competitive strategy