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The "ignoring process" in theoretical physics

Physics is the subject to study the priciples of the most general and fundamental forms of motion of mass. There are various kinds of motion and intricate situations. During the interaction process, many paradoxes keep coming up. And even a single particular problem will be related to lots of factors. In order to solve the problems in practice, we usually ignore and abandon the factors that are subsidiary and dispensable to our research. Instead, we need to get hold of the main essential factors. This idea is called "ignoring process".
The "ignoring process" firstly contributes greatly to developing the thinking abilities of students, advancing the abilities of analysing and solving problems and stimulating the desire and interest in study----therefore to inspire students' proactiveness and creativeness. And also it does a great help for Physics teaching to direct students to recognise and select the essential characteristics and paradoxes from a large amount of information and so to solve the real problems.Lastly, The "ignoring process" teaches students to flesh out the abstract models and then to improve, making it more suitable for objective research and making the physical phenomena and rules of the object more significant during the process of changing and developing.

To explain the "ignoring process" more decently, this dissertation will discuss in the following four aspects:1. definition of the ignoring process; 2.the indication of the ignoring process in theoretical physics; 3. the indication of the ignoring process in physics experiments;4.the meaning and value of the ignoring process.


摘 要:
Physics is to study the most common material, the most basic forms of the basic laws of movement of a subject. The form of its movement range, movement and complexity of the process of interaction that contains many contradictions, a specific question on a number of factors are involved. To better solve practical problems, we often overlook, discard, secondary, unessential for our studied factors are unimportant, and seize the main, the nature of the factors, such that the "negligible"思想. "Negligible" thinking, and helps to develop and enhance students scientific thinking skills, students analyze problems, problem-solving skills, stimulate students interest in the thirst for knowledge and learning, thereby enhancing their learning initiative and creativity; help our physics teaching, so students learn from many of the features of things to seize the main features and the principal contradiction, and solve practical problems; so that students learn to be added to further improve the abstract model to study more in line with the objective to better reflect the objective study described the development and changes in physical phenomena and laws.
In order to better exposition of this way of thinking, this article will explore the following four aspects: 1. The understanding of negligible; 2. Ignored the theory of ideology in the embodiment of physics; 3. Ignored thinking in physics experiments embodiment; 4. ignored the significance of thinking.

The physics is one door discipline of the basic law moving a form studying matter is common , the most fundamental. Whose motion form is numerous , motion condition is complicated, the process interacting contains a lot of contradiction , a concrete problem city involves a lot of factors right away. Be much better resolve the actual problem, often, we ignore , abandon, less important , only nature, be not important to problem studied by us factor, but grasp the nature factor , namely this "neglection do not mind thought " mainly. "Ignore the science thinking ability not minding thought " , helping foster and improve a student , foster a student to analyse problem , the ability to solve problems, the interest arousing the curiosity of student and studying, arouses initiative and creativeness that they study thereby; Be conducive to us carry out physics teaching, a lot of making a student learn from object goes to seize the principal character and principal contradiction in the characteristic, problem resolving reality then; Make a student learn the abstract model to be perfected further in addition , make the person accord with objective object of study more , can reflect phenomenon and law studying the marriage partner develops physics described by change objectively more. For setting forth this mentality more well,the main body of a book is discussed with being in progress from four the following aspect:

1. Ignore the cognition irrespective of.
2. Ignore embodiment not minding thought in physics theory.
3. Ignore embodiment not minding thought in physics experiment.
4. Ignore the significance not minding thought.


Physics is to study the most common material, the most basic forms of the basic laws of movement of a subject. The form of its movement range, movement and complexity of the process of interaction that contains many contradictions, a specific question on a number of factors are involved. To better solve practical problems, we often overlook, discard, secondary, unessential for our studied factors are unimportant, and seize the main, the nature of the factors, such that the "negligible"思想. "Negligible" thinking, and helps to develop and enhance students scientific thinking skills, students analyze problems, problem-solving skills, stimulate students interest in the thirst for knowledge and learning, thereby enhancing their learning initiative and creativity; help our physics teaching, so students learn from many of the features of things to seize the main features and the principal contradiction, and solve practical problems; so that students learn to be added to further improve the abstract model to study more in line with the objective to better reflect the objective study described the development and changes in physical phenomena and laws.
In order to better exposition of this way of thinking, this article will explore the following four aspects: 1. The understanding of negligible; 2. Ignored the theory of ideology in the embodiment of physics; 3. Ignored thinking in physics experiments embodiment; 4. ignored the significance of thinking.

The "ignoring process" in theoretical physics

Physics is the subject to study the priciples of the most general and fundamental forms of motion of mass. There are various kinds of motion and intricate situations. During the interaction process, many paradoxes keep coming up. And even a single particular problem will be related to lots of factors. In order to solve the problems in practice, we usually ignore and abandon the factors that are subsidiary and dispensable to our research. Instead, we need to get hold of the main essential factors. This idea is called "ignoring process".
The "ignoring process" firstly contributes greatly to developing the thinking abilities of students, advancing the abilities of analysing and solving problems and stimulating the desire and interest in study----therefore to inspire students' proactiveness and creativeness. And also it does a great help for Physics teaching to direct students to recognise and select the essential characteristics and paradoxes from a large amount of information and so to solve the real problems.Lastly, The "ignoring process" teaches students to flesh out the abstract models and then to improve, making it more suitable for objective research and making the physical phenomena and rules of the object more significant during the process of changing and developing.

To explain the "ignoring process" more decently, this dissertation will discuss in the following four aspects:1. definition of the ignoring process; 2.the indication of the ignoring process in theoretical physics; 3. the indication of the ignoring process in physics experiments;4.the meaning and value of the ignoring process.

Physics is the most basic material, the most common form of exercise, the basic rules of discipline. The various forms of exercise, sports complex, the interaction process of contains many contradictions and problems will involve a specific factors. For a better solution actual problem, we often ignore, abandon, secondary, and the nature of the study, we have the problem is not important factors, and the main factors of nature, namely, the "neglected. "Ignore" thought, to cultivate and improve students' scientific thinking ability, to cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve problems, arouse the students' interest in learning, desire and stimulate their learning initiative and creativity, Help us physics teaching, enables the student to learn something from many of the features of main characteristics and main contradictions in the hold, and solve practical problems, Make students learn to abstract model, which further complement more accord with the objective research object, more can reflect the objective research object changes and development of the physical phenomenon and described.
In order to better illustrate this thought method, this paper discussed from the following four aspects: 1. The neglected, 2 neglected in physics theory, 3 neglected in the embodiment of physics experiment, 4 ignored the significance of thought.

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