
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28

英文:provisional disposition/Temporary arrangement
The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.

Complete the temporary work arranged by the administration manager.


Finish temporary work assigned by quality engineer and senior manager.


如果是作为副词用的,可以有两种常用的:1)temporarily;2)for the occasion
举例:1)I temporarily lived with my aunt. 我暂时与我的姑妈住一起。
2)His air of joviality was put on for the occasion; by nature he was a rather reserved and serious person. 他那欢乐活泼的外表只是一时装出来的,就他本性来看,他是个含蓄、严肃的人。

[名] temporary meeting;
I was asked to attend an unscheduled meeting, so I have to cancel the appointment for this afternoon.

Interim meeting

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