一次最糟糕的外国旅行。 英语作文。要求一百字 谢谢

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11
一次最糟糕的外国旅行。 英语作文。一百字左右。 谢谢啦

Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents. That morning, the weather was fine. We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. In the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. No umbrella, feeling tired and hungry. So we will return home.


Travel is of my favorite activities in my life. Yet I can still remember the very first time when I go by aeroplane, which I consider to be an totally awful experience beyond compare.

It was my first lone trip, which meant my parents were not accompanied. They thought it would benefit me, as such a experience challenged one to be independent. Usually it did, but what I got is a ticket for a flight which in the schedule would leave at at 0730 in the morning, and then fily nonstop back to Beijing.

Seven in the morning! Ridiculous! Anyway I flew to the airport before 7 and felt both hungry and tired. However, there was no sign for a boarding check. From a stewardess I was informed that the flight had been delayed because of bad weather. Bad luck! I had been waiting for the inflight meal! Until 30 minutes later could I finally get my seat, yet still in hunger.
Then a steward came to me, followed a young lady."I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat.20C is just two rows behind on the other aisle." Well, I could do nothing but move my luggage and sit beside a woman at about 40.
Whatever, I began to have my breakfast, a beef burger with some water, not very satisfying. But what was worse, I got airsick as the plane rocked, tossed, and bumped, and in the end the plane successfully made me to shoot my poor burger! So I dared not to eat any more, but started to drink instead. As you can imagine, after I had taken a big quantity of water, everytime I saw from my seat in the direction of the toilet, it was always occupied!

Fortunately, the trip ended up with peace, and since then, I refuse to get on a plane alone.

  Traveling is a very good activity. When you are fed up with working and studying and you have some free time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature and feel the special characters of other cities. You can breathe the fresh air, meet different people and make friends with them. Thus you will forget your tiredness and trouble and build up your body.
  But sometimes traveling is not a good thing. For example, the weather can be changeable. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold while your are traveling. The worst thing is that you may have your money stolen or you may be injured. All these are terrible things which can happen to a tourist.
  Therefore, when you are going on a trip, you must prepare yourself carefully. Firstly, you should have clear information about the weather. Secondly, you should choose a good traveling companion. Lastly, you must be very careful about where you go so as to avoid accidents.
  If you do these, you will surely enjoy yourself.