
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

He is a funny person. 他很风趣。
Your joke sounds funnier. 你的笑话听起来更棒。

Chinese people are usually very friendly to foreign visitors. 中国人通常对外国游客很是友好。
We should build an environmentally more friendly society.

Sarah has a outgoing personality. 萨拉拥有开朗的性格。
Winson is more outgoing than Tony. 文森比托尼更外向。

Lin is always a hardworking student. 林总是一个认真努力的学生。
There are always people who are more hardworking around us.

Jesse has got a smart mind. 杰西思维灵活。
Tom always think he is smarter than his peers. 汤姆总觉得他自己比别人聪明些。

You know, we will not want to hire people who are lazy in work.
She is the lazier one of the two.

I can run fast. 我可以跑得快。
Trains move faster than bikes. 火车的运行速度比自行车快。

He is a high, handsome young man. 他是个身材高大,年轻帅气的小伙子。
Linda want to get higher scores. 琳达想要取得更高的分数。

This question is really hard. 这个问题真的很难。
If you want to win the schoolarship, you should work harder.

The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
The elderly tend to miss their earlier days. 年长的人往往怀念他们年轻的岁月。

smell——the food smells good
soft——the snow touches soft
sour——the milk tastes sour,it has gone bad
cookie——give me some cookies
pizza——i like pizza
lovely——what a lovely day
done——i have done all the task
try——will you have a try?
pie——i like apple pie
sound——Sounds a good idea
sweet tooth——i have a hobby of sweet tooth
salt——add some salt to the dishes
jam——add some jam to the pie
for—— Time for dinner
favorite——English is my favorite subject
ear—— The cat has two ears
glasses——he wears a piar of glasses
jeans——he wears a pair of jeans
nervous——he feels nervous then
fair——he has fair hair
pretty——the girl is pretty beautiful
proud——I feel proud of my father
stranger——there is a stranger
message——will you take a message for me?
hobby——I have many hobbies
can't wait to do——i can't wait to eat
at school——he is at school
mark——i get good marks
love——i love my father
ever——have you ever been there?
enter—— please enter the room
competition——will you join the speech competition?
prize——he gets the prize at last
dream—— he is dreaming of being successful
afford——can you afford the Mp3?
write about——what will you write about?
invite——he invites me to the party
make up——he makes up a story


1、We will ask him about that(我们将要问他有关于那些事情)
2、Mother often asks me to go shopping with her(妈妈经常叫我陪她购物)
3、There are a few apples on the tree(那儿的树上只有一点苹果)
4、Don't worry,we still have a little time.(别担心,我们还有一点时间 )
5、It was a long time before I though about that day again(我再次回想起往昔岁月时已是很久之后了。)
6、We are planning to go on an outing(我们正计划去远足)
7、You decide on his imperfectoins so much in the mass. (你们给他总结了这么多缺点。)
8、What made you decide to change job? (是什么使你决定更换工作?)
9、I hope you enjoy the show(我希望你们能在这次展示会上玩的开心)
10、I will do my best to finish the longest day(我将在我最长的一天里做最好的自己)
11、I forght to put any salt. (我忘记放盐了)

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