
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

Hello! My name is Paul. I’d like to introduce my family to you.
I have a warm family. There’re four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my

grandfather and I.
My family live in a tall building. We are on the 4th floor. If you open the door, you can see the

living room first. In the middle of the living room, you can see the safe and the desks.
Next to the living room, there are three bedrooms. One is mine. The other two are my parents’ and

my grandfather’s.
In front of the living room, there is a kitchen and a bathroom.

回复:S/C No.86



Political risk is highly correlated with most of the examined variables. For example, the possibility of arbitrary expropriation of the legal title to property is a political risk factor. However, political risk encompasses more than this alone, e.g., a low level of security and high levels of bribery and corruption. One notes that political risk is also highly correlated with sociocultural aspects, such as a low life expectancy at birth, a high level of illiteracy and a low level of quality of living. Clearly, in countries that promise high political risk for institutional investors, local inhabitants inevitably suffer. Arguably, there is a direct relation between political risk and these sociocultural factors: when the level of political risk is high, the level of investment will be low, given the required risk premium. Therefore, the economic situation for inhabitants of that country will be weak and will presumably remain weak, until the institutional environment is more hospitable to economic development and investment.
Another interesting finding is that homeownership is too complex to function as a single index for the investment climate. The rate of homeownership appears to be highly related to the lack of an expropriation threat. While this is the case, one should be cautious in applying this result to all regions of the world. For example, one is less likely to expect expropriation in highly developed countries than in less developed countries, where the legal system is often more volatile. Of the high income countries, homeownership is highest in the English-speaking countries, where the common law tradition raises the social cost of expropriation over time. The preliminary evidence presented in this paper suggests that homeownership rates may indeed be related to the type of legal system employed.
These results provide encouragement that legal institutions may be an important factor of consideration, despite being disregarded or deemed exogenous to asset pricing models for many years. Institutional risk is an integral part of the economic activity in the markets of the world. Using a number of variables, it becomes possible to apply formal international asset pricing models, in order to determine the magnitude in which legal institutions exert price effects. For example, it would be interesting to analyze the impact of political risk on the returns of institutional investors. Other variables that seem to be promising for usage in these models are security, entrepreneurship and innovation, foreign control, foreign treatment and homeownership. With further empirical testing, we may be able to understand more about the nature and impact of these institutional effects. If these findings can be generalized, this has important implications for international investors, national governments, and individual citizens. Further research is under way along these lines.政治风险与大部分被测试的变量高度相关,例如财产的合法所有权的任意没收的可能性是政治风险的因素.然而政治风险包含更多的单一的这些.例如安全度低,行贿和受贿的程度高.一个记录是政治风险也许与社会文化方面高度相关,例如低出生率,高文盲水平,低的生活质量水平.值得清楚的是,在一些国家对于公共机构的投资者允许高政治风险,而当地居民不可避免地受到损害.有争议的是,在政治风险和社会文化因素有一个直接的关系.如果考虑到要求的风险津贴,当政治风险越高,投资水平将会越低.因此.那个国家居民的经济情况将会很糟糕,可能继续糟糕直到公共机构环境更适合经济的发展和投资.另一有趣的方面是房屋所有权对于作为为了投资环境这一指数的功能来讲太复杂了.房屋所有权的比率好象与没收财产威胁的减少有高度的关联.对于这个案例,人们应用这一结果到世界所有地域时应该小心,谨慎.例如,个人在高度发达的国家比在非高度发达的国家更少担心财产没收.在非高度发达的国家里法律系统常常是更易变的.在高收入国家里,和在说英语的国家里拥有房屋所有权是最高的,因为在那样的国家里很长一段时间里普遍的法律传统提高了没收财产的社会代价.报纸上展示的最初的证据表明房屋所有权比率确实与雇佣法律系统的类型有关.这些结果对于合法的公共机构可能是考虑的一个重要因素提供了鼓励,尽管被漠视或相信外因对于多年的财产标价模型有影响.公共机构风险在世界市场里是经济活动的一个整体部分.利用大量的可变因素,使应用正式的国际财产标价模型变的有可能,从而决定量值.在这些量值里法律公共机构发挥了价格作用.例如,在公共机构投资者的回报上分析政治风险方面可能非常有趣.为了这些模型使用的其他可变因素好象正在被允许,它们是安全,企业关系,创新,国外控制,国外待遇和房屋所有权.伴随着进一步的经验主义的测试,我们可能对这些公共机构影响的本质和作用有更多地理解.如果这些能够被总结,它可能提供重要的暗示对于国际投资者,国家官员,和个体居民.进一步的研究正沿着这些路线进行着.


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