用sb allowed to do sth造句

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05
(1)用allow sb to do sth造句 (2)用allow doing sth 造句

His mother allow him to play football. His mother allow him playing football. 希望能帮到您

1.Mom allow me to watch TV.
2.Teacher allow me to speak in the classroom.
3.Tom allow me to wear the shirt to the party.

1.I am allowed to get out on the school nights.
2.I am allowed to watch TV on school nights.
3.I am allowed to study with friend.

1.Because of the destiny,you were not allowed to do it.

2. Are Hong Kong peopole allowed to do kidney transplantation in your hospital?
3. I'm sorry, we are not allowed to do this.
4. GM should be allowed to do the same thing.
5.What am I allowed to do with the source code?

Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
I'm not allowed to go out at night .
They are allowed to study with their friends.
Tom isn't allowed to play in the street.
Who has been allowed to finish this work ?

My father allow me to make my own decision

i allowed her to go to the park
she allowed me to sit there
i was allowed to use the money
she never allowed me to touch her things
i allowed her to do everything she wanted to do