
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

1.who is you going to visit?你要去拜访谁?
2. Who is you going to the supermarket with?你要和谁去超市?
3. We are going to buy story books.我们要去买故事书。
4.He is watching TV now.他正在看电视。
5.We often play football.我们经常踢足球。

61It wants to stop children from passive smoking
62It can be as bad as smoking a cigarette
63Because there is so little space,and the car will be filled with smoke very quickly
64They say it takes away the freedom of smokers
65A child‘s health is the most important thing
66Where is it from
67How long have you had it

68How long have you owned that bike
69I want to have a yard sale
70May I come
71Some Chinese parents think it is important to stay up late to study
73Many students will sleep in class

Does your uncle work in a factory?
这句意思是“你叔叔在工厂上班(工作)吗?”问的是现在的工作,是现在的一般的习惯性的活动(几乎现在每天都要做的),所以用一般现在时。YOUR UNCLE是单数第三人称,句子的陈述语序是“YOUR UNCLE WORKS IN A FACTORY。”当把它变成一般疑问句时要借助“助动词的单数第三人称 DOES” DOES提到句子最前,动词还原成动词原形“WORK”,一般疑问句就生成了“DOES YOUR UNCLE WORK IN A FACTORY?”

No, he doesn't.
对上句的否定回答,因为问句里已经出现过了核心动词“WORK”,回答的时候避免重复就不用了,但是要用助动词来完成句子的完整性,这否定就是“NO, HE DOESN’T(WORK IN A FACTORY---省略掉)”肯定就是“YES, HE DOES。”

In the two photos you can see two women.
这个句子里要考的是名词的复数形式记得牢不牢,英语里的名词的复数形式绝大多数是有规律的,但也有一些特别的词要单独记忆,不要问为什么,复数就是复数,特殊的只能死记下来没有他法,PHOTO(照片)复数是直接 +S, WOMAN 的复数是变成WOMEN

Does your uncle work in a factory?

No, he doesn't.

In the two photos you can see two women.

does your uncle work in a factory?

no, he does not.

in the two photos you can see two women.

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