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kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

To get married because of complete material, we could receive a marriage certificate, in China
but, first of all, to receive a marriage
in China, long-term visa, I need to apply for family class but, we know,
this process needs
6-12 weeks, which makes us some hesitation, because we don't want to be separated again so long time.
Secondly, in the traditional
sense, there is no ceremony
license, Mr S argues, in Chinese marriage license form too hasty,
he more hope in Germany can license, so you can invite some friends and relatives to witness the process we license.
Based on the two points above,
we decided to apply
for a visa to
visit relatives and friends, I
once again, to Germany, and Mr. S to receive a marriage
Once we brought
the marriage
I will immediately
back to Beijing,
to apply for long-term visa to the embassy.
plan, the wedding will be at the end of
2015 or
2016, held two times in Germany and

James Cameron, August 16, 1954, a famous film director, was born in Canada and specializes in action films and science fiction movies. Directed sci-fi film "Terminator" in 1984, made ??him famous overnight. Except that when the director is also the screenwriter or production and editing, the themes of his films often attempt to explore the relationship between humanity itself and the technology. At present, the highest grossing movie at the box office in the history of the movie "Titanic" is his film work. Cameron in the director's 1997 film "Titanic", the same wide range of use of computer graphics, and also won the Oscar for best visual effects award. Titanic became the most expensive investment, the highest grossing movie. This level, the Oscar-winning movie recorded eleven awards, two belonging to Cameron, best director and best producer.

First of all, two years' cushion and transition in this project helps the students develop the ability of independent study and live. So they can get themselves fully prepared to study abroad. Secondly, the students could lay a solid foundation for the foreign language interiorly, which reduces part of the cost. Besides, we are experienced and can adequately ensure the proper student management, good teaching environment and high quality of courses.

First, this project provides a two-year period of the buffer and transition to help students develop independent learning and life skills, in order to adequately prepare themselves psychologically for study abroad; Secondly, the two-year period so that students can first foreign language in the country to lay a solid ground foundation, eliminating the part of the costs, while its host has rich experience in student management, teaching conditions and quality of the course there are fully protected.