请把(吔许·莪吥该认视他 吔许·这寔莪①苼啲刧难)这几个字翻译成简体中文!!!!!!!!!!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05
不许忘记莪 的英语翻译


Curcuma is not your passing, although sometimes you as the Rhizoma Curcuma scenery, forgive Rhizoma ignorance, my dear, I wish you happiness.

VITAS is the Russian singer was born in February 19, 1981. Legend He liked fish, dolphins have incredible sound, so we suspect he is gills; he is very mysterious, no one knows his real name, he never mentioned VITAS, he never spoke to the media. He alternative is successful in the Russian Kremlin hall concerts held most young singers. His voice across five eight degrees! Some people say that because he is the voice surgery. What is even more admirable is that he is a costume designer. His music created a Russian music of the new century, and was known as the "2001 model." VITAS Chinese fans have been more than 50,000.

也许,我不该认识他 也许,这是我一生的劫难

