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U.S. presidential election
America's presidential election of voters in the November election year first Tuesday (2008) is November 4, this day is called's presidential election. All American voters are to vote in the designated place, choose between two presidential candidates with a ballot (elected President of the state "electors"). A (the) presidential candidates in the election in the state of a majority, he would have won the state's electors "President" all ticket, this is the integration of selected state. The voters given also called's presidential election. U.S. presidential election due to the electoral system ", thus group's presidential election votes, is actually represents all 50 states and the district of Columbia 538 electoral ". In addition, in the presidential election, voters in federal within both the house and senate election.
Real presidential election on December 3rd Monday (2008 is December 15). Then, the states and the district of Columbia was elected "electors" will vote for the state capital. 270 votes won more candidates will be elected President, and the oath on January 20th.
U.S. presidential election is the inauguration of a program, only to last year's election in January 20, hand caresses the bible, when the American sworn, then ended presidential elections.
How is the United States President? - - - - - - the elected but the universal suffrage
America from the 2008 election have more than one year, the time has not yet formally started primary also, but democratic republican candidates of both parties, the campaign has been underway. However, the President of the United States is not directly voted by voters, but depends on the electoral college votes.
Every four years, November first on Tuesday, the United States over 90 million voters will vote campaign (Electoral college.i) members (electors). According to the electoral college system, each state voters only decided to the states, and to know in advance, is also the member of the electoral college votes cast a candidate. In a state of voters in more than half of the votes in the state of all candidates electoral votes. Voters in mid-december to vote for President of the United States.

About the U.S. presidential election

   U.S. election voter turnout in an election year the country in November, held the first Tuesday (2008 year is November 4), which is known as the presidential election on the day. All American voters to the designated place to vote, in the two presidential candidates to choose between (in the states with an elected president on the ballot "electoral college"). A (party's) presidential candidate in a state election in the majority to win, he would have all the state president, "electoral" votes, which is the state's election system integration. Voters across the country, also known as the presidential election on polling day. As the U.S. presidential election, the implementation of the "electoral college" system, so the voting results of the presidential election day, resulting in fact on behalf of 50 states and the District of Columbia 538 "electors." In addition, in the presidential election day, voters also within the framework of the Federal Senate and the House of Representatives election.

   The real presidential election in December, held the third Monday (2008 year is December 15). By then, the states and the District of Columbia having been chosen to the "electors" will go to the capital of the state vote. By 270 votes more than one candidate will be elected president, and in the following year was sworn in January 20.

   The United States presidential election, the inauguration of the last one, or only to the elected president on January 20 the following year, held onto a "Bible," was sworn in, the United States before the presidential election came to an end.

   How will the U.S. president is elected, but not ?------ by universal suffrage

   The United States from the 2008 election, there are more than a year, primaries has not yet officially begun, but Democratic and Republican candidates campaign has begun in earnest. However, the U.S. president is not elected by direct vote by the electorate, but to depend on the electoral college vote.

   Every four years, the first Tuesday in November, the United States for more than 9 million voters to vote for the electoral college (Electoral College) members (electors). According to the Electoral College system, each state voters decide the state's voters only, and prior knowledge, that is a member of the electoral college vote in which a candidate. In a state of the electorate voted to get more than half of the votes to obtain this state all the electoral votes. Voters in mid-December and then vote for U.S. president.

About the U.S. presidential election
U.S. election voter turnout in an election year the country in November, held the first Tuesday (2008 year is November 4), which is known as the presidential election on the day. All American voters to the designated place to vote, in the two presidential candidates to choose between (in the states with an elected president on the ballot "electoral college"). A (party's) presidential candidate in a state election in the majority to win, he would have all the state president, "electoral" votes, which is the state's election system integration. Voters across the country, also known as the presidential election on polling day. As the U.S. presidential election, the implementation of the "electoral college" system, so the voting results of the presidential election day, resulting in fact on behalf of 50 states and the District of Columbia 538 "electors." In addition, in the presidential election day, voters also within the framework of the Federal Senate and the House of Representatives election.
The real presidential election in December, held the third Monday (2008 year is December 15). By then, the states and the District of Columbia having been chosen to the "electors" will go to the capital of the state vote. By 270 votes more than one candidate will be elected president, and in the following year was sworn in January 20.
The United States presidential election, the inauguration of the last one, or only to the elected president on January 20 the following year, held onto a "Bible," was sworn in, the United States before the presidential election came to an end.
How will the U.S. president is elected, but not ?------ by universal suffrage
The United States from the 2008 election, there are more than a year, primaries has not yet officially begun, but Democratic and Republican candidates campaign has begun in earnest. However, the U.S. president is not elected by direct vote by the electorate, but to depend on the electoral college vote.
Every four years, the first Tuesday in November, the United States for more than 9 million voters to vote for the electoral college (Electoral College) members (electors). According to the Electoral College system, each state voters decide the state's voters only, and prior knowledge, that is a member of the electoral college vote in which a candidate. In a state of the electorate voted to get more than half of the votes to obtain this state all the electoral votes. Voters in mid-December and then vote for U.S. president.

gjfghrfhgbdsfkhgdfhshdfjjjjjjjjjjjjsgdadgsadgsahgdhjsakgdhsfhsghcxgzhxxczvchgzxv cghxzvghcxzvcgfxhvchxvcbxzv bcvzgxcv gzvcdgxvcgvxghcvghzxvcgvxzghvjxzghcvzxghcvgzxvcghxvzcgxvzghcvxghcvghzxvcgvxzghvcgxzvcvxgcfvsvghsavdhsvacgikbxzhCKVHcbJHVhjcvHChsdV CHVChbxvhgxcvzygcvgsvagcvsghcvgsagsfghxcvsagdvsavhxsfdbhxcfsbwjdlbyterfgbrjkwgfuhewfgjetfjiawhefjreiyfhreuihfurehfuehufheuigfjedbfuhdjhfuideyfuehyfgewuiqftgweqgfyuqwegygheyfgyqftgefeghfysnfsgfhsdghgdsfgdhgjhfvgdhaugfusdgdugfhwtdbfcgcfybewcygfbcdgfbuggvhdsbcdhsguschsdyufgdjfhudsoacndhschyvrtgvn unhsfdcgciwdjwutgeyfcngewryhnyue hdoiushrbygweyfvtycndftewgqdfhetbvrwe wrgeywvrtby4weqrebrybeqwtyerewgqyudfewhdbwegefedbfhgfyhsdfhtsaghfgashfhjwfgchkgwsfswgfusdjfgsdfghsgbfjsdfb sdjgfjdsgfhegjsdbcvhdsgcvjdshcvdhchdgchsdcgdshcjsfdvbgjgbhfdgbfdjkbhdfkghfughdfjkygfdjkghjkfhgjkhd





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