急求一篇英语作文.题目为Sports Day!快啊!!!!十万火急!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-08

Marry for money, or starve for love. If there is no between, what would be your choice? I sincerely believe that the great majority of people would choose the first, even though they might not admit it.

Welcome to the material world, where our happiness is usually attached to the fame and the fortune you could get. No one believe in happily-together-forever fairy like ending, and no one like to make sacrifice to the others. Instead, we rush in and out of the relationships or marriages for personal gains. And our greed needs for money could never been satisfied. Marriage, once the sacred proof of love and tenderness, now has become something could sell out for expedience. Here I am no intention of passing judgments, and certainly I am not entitled to. It’s a personal choice and the decision should be totally laid on the person concerned only.

Here I just want to explain why I would rather starve for love than marry for money. Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly the one of the world lings. I need food, shelter, cloth and social contact. In short, money matters to me. But I believe with efforts I can build a warm home with my loved ones. My home might be humble and poor, but I am sure I could make it comfortable and cheerful as long as the family members are bounded together with love. Starve is just a temporary thing. After all, making a living is comparably easier, but making a life is another story. That’s why I don’t have the same confidence in marriage based on the personal gains. It might be a way to get rich, but certainly not an approach to the happiness. To have a big house, but an empty home; to have a luxury car, but a trapped life; to have Chanel and Gooci, but no body appreciate. What’s the happy about that?

I am cynical, and I believe marriage is a great demanding thing. It takes a lot of energy, time and intelligence to make it success. If it starts with being used as a tool, if doubts and personal spites have already infected the air of a home, what’s the chance we stood to work it out? To make it worse, in most cases such marriage can deprive you of the capability to be independent. One of my friends married to a most successful man, but she is not happy. It is true that women could tolerate a lot when she is afraid. She endures her husband’s indifferences and unfaithful, she bears her in-模压kasjfkjsdsadkjfklsdjafskljkgjdsmf,gmdcjxcgbohperijwhgmgmbccccccclaws sneers and insults, and even the pregnancy was not a pleasant journey when their expectations for a boy weighed heavily on her. I asked her why not choose to end this marriage if she was so miserable about it. She told me because she was afraid. She got married rightly after she left school. She didn’t know how to make a living if she left her husband. Besides, she got used to the prosperous life she is leading now, how could she keep the same quality of life on her own? She is left stricken in the marriage with self-doubts. And it’s not a unique case.

Some would say that love can’t last forever. Passion would pass, and fire would go out. Sooner or later the marriage would go stale. Perhaps it is true. But sympathy, tenderness and confidence can flourish from love. It saws the seeds of happiness in our heart. As long as we make efforts, it would grow up into the tree. And the fire could be rekindled.

So that’s my choice: Marry for love not for money. A marriage without love is no more a marriage than a body without soul is a man. As long as two of us are bound together with affection in the marriage; we would find our home the most cheeriest place in the world。

The problems of mixed marriages include resistance from family, friends and society, as well as individual ideas and expectations within the relationship. Family members may feel as though the person isn't embracing his culture or religion. They may not understand the other person's culture. Some family members may disown the person altogether. Fathers have commonly disowned their daughters for marrying outside their race or religion.

Society may be cruel to the couple. Mean, ignorant comments, dirty looks, discrimination and sometimes physical assaults may be perpetrated by strangers who do not understand or approve of mixed marriages.

Children are a common concern and source of problems within mixed marriages. Couples with different religious convictions may not agree on which faith to teach their children.
Therefore, it is not a suprise to find that the dovorce rate of mixed marriages is far higher than average marriges.

sports day
Our school will hold sports meeting next month .I Like sports such as football basketball ,volleyball and table tennis ,specialy basketball is my favourite .so i am going to join the basketball context.
i will join in the basketball team and do some exercise about it,i will play basketball after school .Because YAOming is my idol ,i will became a famous basketball player1
i believe where there is a will ,there is a way !有志者事竟成

Sports day
Our school have a sports day in the thursday and friday.There are many events in the sports day.They are run in a 50/100 metre race,do the long jump,skip,play shuttlecock and different kinds of relay race.
Our class is nobody win the first prize,we are unhappy.
In the sports day,a nauguty child was played tricks on me,so I unhappier.Anyone had sports events butI did not have any sports event,so I unhappiest.
Oh!I was very unhappy in the sports day!

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