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I usually take no choice but a car to school.
Do you know how this story is ended?

The net loves has the confidence level, but confidence level unusualsmall. In world not absolute matter, because my side already has thesuccessful example, also has the defeat the example, but is defeatedthe example is bigger than the successful example by far. Therefore ifyou or your friend is being in the net to love, please maintainsoberly, please do not have to fall too in the indefinite situationdeeply, in order to avoid receives the injury. An my good friend andher boyfriend are the on-line understanding, a pairs person of goodquite several year, or has finally divided, opposite party proposes,including our these friends all very indignantly periphery, thereforeif the love or looks knows the whole story quite is good.

回答者: 贪玩的小小丫头 - 高级弟子 三级 2009-10-7 23:41

Parenting play a key role in children’s learning, and the development of their ‘Learning-Skills’ – it becomes a family affair. If parents overlook this opportunity, and responsibility, then one key area of success is missing.

Nobody learns in isolation, or from just one source. Every experience, and interaction with others, adds to learning, knowledge, and wisdom. If education, in its broadest sense, is just left to the school, then the student is being short changed, because the home and family have a tremendous influence, positive or negative, on a student’s attitude and success.

Appendix One of the Study Guide recommends, for younger students, that parents understand the study rules themselves, and then introduce them slowly and with appropriate explanations and support.

Sometimes, through no fault of the parents, children can become stressed, and anxious. Their attitude and behaviour may deteriorate. This may be the result of influences and pressure outside the home. Bullying, and other peer influences and pressures are typical examples that may have severe impacts on attitude and learning. Sometimes an unpleasant or frightening experience can leave the student with lingering trauma.

For students, up the age of about 12, the Guide offers a drug-free method, that parents can use at home, to help overcome these fears, and to enable them to cope much more positively.
Parents were in the spotlight this year at the Supreme Education Council’s Annual Symposium. More than 800 people, most of them parents and educators, attended the symposium, “Parents: Partners in Education,” hearing from a leading Qatari and international expert, while also having the chance to see firsthand the amazing work being done by Qatar’s students at a special exhibition.

“I now know more concrete ways that I can become involved in the education of my sons and daughters,” said [parent]. “While much of what they are learning is new to me, if I find ways to better work with their teachers and the school, I know I can make a difference.”

Dr. Heather Weiss, the Founder and Director of the Harvard Family Research Project delivered the symposium’s keynote address. She shared her compelling research on the powerful impact parents can have on improving the children’s educational success. Her research showed that children with involved parents earned better grades, attended school more regularly and pursued post secondary education at a higher rate.

Dr. Weiss made a direct appeal to parents to be more involved in a variety of ways, from reading with their children to volunteering in the schools or serving on the Board of Trustees. Dr. Weiss also stressed the importance of teachers and administrators finding ways to engage parents and make it easier for them to be involved in their children’s education.

“Parental involvement is not a one-way street. To be truly effective, a national parental policy and plan should be developed that has input from parents, teachers, administrators and the community as a whole,” Dr. Weiss said during her remarks. “I hope that this symposium is just the start of a dialogue that will continue and result in action and important change to help Qatar’s impressive education reform.”

Dr. Weiss answered questions from parents and teachers for a full hour following her presentation. Questions ranged from how teachers could make the classroom more inviting to parents, to how to make parent-teacher conferences more productive, to how divorced parents can work together to help their children.

“It’s so important for both teachers and parents to hear and better understand the true impact parental involvement can have on a child’s life,” said Hala Al Osaimi, an Arabic teacher at Al Resala Independent Secondary School for Girls. “As teachers, we need to find ways to allow parents to be involved in the classroom and engaged in school work at home with their children.”

The Secretary General of the Supreme Education Council, Her Excellency Sheikha Ahmed Al Mahmoud set the tone for the symposium in her remarks, saying that parents are the most important element of society and serve as the first teachers in a child’s life. HE Sheikha Al Mahmoud also inaugurated the exhibition of works from the independent schools. All 73 independent schools contributed work to the exhibition, including science projects, paintings, pottery and examples of innovative lessons.

Mr. Ajlan Al Enazi, a member of the board of trustees (BOT) at Qatar Educational Complex for Girls, shared his experience as a board member at the symposium. He encouraged more parents to consider serving on the boards of their children’s schools and called on schools to actively engage the boards in engaging parents. Following the main symposium, Dr. Weiss met with numerous independent school BOT members to discuss tangible ways for them to engage parents and help their schools develop concrete strategies.

“Parents, Partners in Education,” was the fifth symposium held by the SEC since the launch of Education for a New Era. The annual symposium brings together leading international experts from around the world, with Qatari experts, to address the most important, timely and cutting-edge education issues. Previous symposiums have focused on creativity, technology in education and international assessments.

It is more convenient to go to school by car than by bike. Cars can protect us out of bad weather when it is windy and rainy. It is safer to sit in a car than to ride on a bike. Cars can save our time especially in rush hours since they run much faster than bikes.



go to school by bike

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