
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07

Nowadays, the computer in business illustrations commonly in the application. No matter how advanced computer technology, stylist hand-drawn can better and faster express their design ideas, computer is always cannot replace hand-painted strong expressive. Design the core is a kind of creative thinking, a kind of solving the problem. The article puts forward the characteristics and to hand-painted illustration style, expression, skills and modern business illustrations in hand-drawn examples of use in research and analysis, better reflect the use of commercial illustration in hand

Every time you kiss me I’m still not certain that you love me,
Every time you hold me I’m still not certain that you care
Though you keep on saying you really, really, really love me
Do you speak the same words to someone else when I’m not there.

Suspicion torments my heart,
Suspicion keeps us apart,
Suspicion why torture me.


Crown Greece, hello.
I am one love your faithful gruel, recently heard you must resurface, we really good happy, sometimes sleeps can cluck-cluck smile awakes.The gruel knew that, these for year you received very many pain, the gruel good have really loved dearly, saw your thin and pale facial cast, the gruel could cry, you had certainly to look after well oneself, regardless of you have handled any matter, the gruel really could support you continuously in the behind, supported you silently, the gruel forever all to did not abandon to you.
Greece, 29 years old, your birthday gruel has not been able to accompany this year side you, but the next year, the gruel will certainly be able to pray for heavenly blessing you in yours one's side,
Loves your gruel
In October, 2009 26

Crown Greek, hello.

     I am a loyal porridge love you, I recently heard that you are making a comeback, we really get excited and sometimes laugh Ka Lolo would wake up to sleep. Gruel know, this year you have had a lot of suffering, porridge is really good sad to see you gaunt face, porridge cry, you must take good care of their own ah, no matter what you do, porridge really are behind the scenes has been supporting you, silently support you, you always stubbornly persists, rice porridge.

     Greek, 29 years old, this year your birthday porridge could not accompany you around, but the next year, the porridge will bless you in your side, and

                                                    Love your porridge

                                               October 2009 26

Crown Greek, hello.

I am a loyal porridge love you, I recently heard that you are making a comeback。we really get excited and sometimes laugh Ka Lolo would wake up to sleep. Gruel know, this year you have had a lot of suffering, porridge is really good sad to see you gaunt face, porridge cry, you must take good care of their own ah, no matter what you do, porridge really are behind the scenes has been supporting you, silently support you, you always stubbornly persists, rice porridge.

Greek, 29 years old, this year your birthday porridge could not accompany you around, but the next year, the porridge will bless you in your side, and

Love your porridge

October 2009 26

陈冠希那么龌龊,居然还有人这么喜欢他! = =#

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