
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-23
假如你叫李华给美国笔友的一封e-mail 英语作文

Dear Peter,
I'm very glad to get your email and know you'd like to come to china to study Chinese.For your requirement, I will find a better host who may meet your demand, can speak English and...

Dear David,
I am glad that you and your family will come and live in China. Welcome! Chinese people are very friendly, so you don’t have to be nervous when you are having a meal with them.
In China, the oldest and the guests usually start eating first. You are not supposed to pick up your bowl to eat or stick your chopsticks into your food. It’s rude to talk with your mouth full of food. When you are eating noodles or having the soup, you are not supposed to make noise.
See you in China and I will help you learn the Chinese customs.
Yours, Wang Lin

Dear Linda,
l'm glad to hear that you will come to my country for vacation. Different countries have different customs and table manners. ln China ,lt's important to have meals on time. You are supposed to make a smile and shake hands when you meet someone.Remember not to eat too much each time.When you are full,you shouldn't refuse the food.You are supposed to be polite to refuse. When you are leaving ,you are supposed to say thanks tothe people.

Subject: A Memorable VacationDear John,I hope this email finds you in good health! How has your summer been so far? I just got back from a tremendously fun-filled vacation and I thought I should share the details of my fantastic experience with you.I spent two weeks in Italy with my family. We explored some beautiful cities and small towns that were remarkably picturesque. One of the cities that we visited was Venice, which was my favorite since it has a unique charm and an enchanting atmosphere. We took a gondola ride through the canals of Venice and it was a perfect way to experience the scenic views of the city. We also visited the Colosseum in Rome, which was an extraordinary piece of architecture and a testament to the rich history of Italy.The food in Italy was the highlight for me. We savored some mouthwatering Italian pasta and pizza dishes that were authentic and flavorsome. My taste buds exploded with joy as I tried the different regional specialties. The gelato in Rome was particularly delectable, and I couldn't resist having it more than once a day.Our hotel was situated by the coast, where we enjoyed a relaxing time by the beach. The crystal-clear waters and the pristine shores made me feel like I was in paradise. I pletely forgot about the stresses of daily life and had a great time bonding with my family.Overall, this vacation was a memorable experience, and I'm already looking forward to my next adventure. I hope you're doing well and that you can share your summer stories with me soon!Warm regards,Linda.

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