
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

差不多 this is my little wish 这样比较顺口



3楼的翻译 决定 用decide没有determine好, 翻译 经济实力 用economic potentiality显然要表达的意思弯曲了

5楼的 翻译 经济实力 用economic capability 也不行,那是经济实力,经济的强度,力量,用economic strength,整体 用 overall较好,whole指的包括所有部分的总体,而overall指的是包括一切在内的有机组成

The development, acquisition, spread and utilization of knowledge and information shall determine the overall economic strength and cultural development of a country directly.

Dream is my top concern
Today I am very glad to be here to share with you about my views on the topic, "Dream is my top concern."
Sun rises in where the dream is; moon becomes more beautiful where the dream is. Dream is a forever smile, that will make your soul pure, and that we should chase for in our lives.
The night for someone who doesn’t have a dream is deeply dark. When someone has a dream, with hard work and a strong will, he will make perfect performance.
I began to write novel when I was a child.
I wrote down everything that happened around me, I told my readers how to deal with difficulties in life and the way leading to a meaningful life. I enjoy writting my stories, and believe that one day everyone can be moved by my work.

Is’s like Gothe says,“The important thing in life is to have a great aim and be determined to attain it.”
I made up my mind to be a writer when I was in junior school and it has never been changed since then.
I already have a dream in my heart,so I have to make all the efforts to realize it.As a college student now,I will seize every minute to study hard as to arm myself with knowledge and prepare myself for the future . I will be determined to face the reality bravely and not to give up no matter how many problems I will face.
For our life, dream is not only the shinest color, but also the powerful engine.
For example, Martin Luther King Junior,as the leader of black people in America's civil rights movement, faced a lot of threatens from the white racilists. However, as he said“ I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.” He was able to keep going forward with the power from his dream of freedom and got lots of achievements, such as the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 and his famous speech "I Have A Dream" in 1965.
This kind of power is what we need for us to make every minute in our life fulfilled.
Dream can give people confidence and guide people to go to the road which is full of sunlight. The dream can give everyone a correct direction to go. The one who has dream can show us how great and splendor the dream is.

Thus, the dream is my top concern and it will lead to an ever-brighter future.

to Be A Teacher Is My Top Concern
A very good morning/evening to you all,everybody.First,please allow me to make a self-introduction.My name is ***,coming from *** University.I am honoured to share my ideas about careers here.My topic is,to Be A Teacher Is My Top Concern.
Undoubtedly, graduating from college with a degree and getting a good job in the future is every student's dream.Some of you here want to be a boss,to be manager or to be a official.But my dream career is quite different,I want to be a teacher,which is my top concern now.When I was still in my childhood,I had the dream.I always think being a teacher is of great glory.A teacher is respectable and beloved and his job is of great importance to our society.It can train many people of ability on whom our country's development depends.In my eyes,no any other career is greater than a teaching in the world.
Certainly,in order to achieve my dream,I should study hard and take advantage of the college time.Now I am doing it.I believe,with top concern.my dream will come true.
That's all for my speech.Thank you.

1. 一般疑问句和反意疑问句变为间接引语时用连词where 或if引导。如:
He said, ”Did she finish her homework in time?”
→He asked me whether she had finished her homework in time.
Comrade wang asked him, ”Do you know how to say this sentence in English?”
→Comrade wang asked him whether he knew how to say that sentence in English.
He asked, ”You have succeeded, haven’t you ?”
→He asked us if we had succeeded.
2. 选择疑问句变为间接引语时用whether….or引导,如:
He asked me ,”Will you go abroad or stay in Beijing?”
→He asked me whether I would go abroad or stay in Beijing.
3. 特殊疑问句变为间接引语时使用原来的疑问词。如:
He said, ”What have you got in your bag?”
→He asked me what I had got in your bag?”
He said .”Mary ,when is the next train?”
→He asked Mary when the next train was?”
The manager asked me “How are you getting on with your job?”
→The manager asked me how I was getting on with my job ?”
4. 祈使句变为间接引语时,应将动词原形变为动词不定式,并在动词不定式前用 tell, ask, order, command 等动词。如:
He said to me .”Tell me something about the film.”
→He asked me to tell him something about the film.
The teacher said, ”Don’t open the window
→The teacher told me not to open the window.
The general said to us, ”march on!”
→The general ordered us to march on.

都大学生了还不会写英语作文 嘿嘿 基础没打好吧 我是小学生都会写

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