
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-25
许这个姓 怎么介绍


Whose real name: Xu Song

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Anhui, Hefei

English name: Vae

Birthday: 1986-05-14

Height: 180cm

Weight: 60kg

Astrological Sign: Taurus

Blood type: o

Education: bachelor's degree, Anhui Medical University

Awards: Top Ten young students in Anhui Province (2008)

Musicians Association of Anhui Province

05 years of Chinese Entertainment Network Best Male Singer

06 Year Sina Ceremony "Annual Internet and media celebrities" nomination

Romania's runner-up on the international popular music

Popular Asian Music Festival Awards Music Competition newcomers

Expertise: Writing, Music Creation

Instrument: Piano

Childhood dream: to develop the same as the windows software cattle X

Most satisfactory Animation: Doraemon

Favorite food: eating right are not interested in

Favorite places: at home


Vae = Xu Song = full new generation of music = word, song, arrangement, production well versed in = a low-key and humble boy = Baidu posted first network Reds Bar

23-year-old network of Red Vae (Xu Song), the three-year period appeared the network, by virtue of "Ayutthaya", "If I had," "VII Park", "why not", "Rose's funeral" , "if you rife," "Rain on the Tomb Sweeping Festival," "redundant explanation" "" Melbourne, sunny, "and a large number of unique original works by the audience favorite, award-major portals selected the best male singer, best songwriter and other awards. Vae is not only proficient lyricist, composer, arranger, all the works of the late recording and mixing works are by their single-handedly, we can see Vae a full range of music, musical ability and high attainments.

Record companies have not signed up, and very rarely before the camera exposure is often of very low-key Vae - Baidu search casual look, but found that he has a massive fan and ultra-high popularity, a little bit of trouble shall be talked about by fans. Such a strong contrast can indeed be heavily touted by some but also praised how the failure to professional singers shame. 06-09 years, those who lyricist, composer, arranger, singer, recording mixer entirely by Vae one person to complete the work, in its fans forum a launch, expected to enter the major portals, as well as a number of original radio list . This record of industrialization and commercialization of today's music, say that it is a small miracle - not the company strong pitch, zero-investment operation, but the real Prize the site editor, radio editors of the heart, people spontaneously recommendation word of mouth his work.

In addition to his extraordinary musical talent, Xu Song is also good at writing, a student in the "sprout", "Children's Literature," "Juvenile literature" and other publications, published works by more than 20 large and small articles. The eleventh grade, he wrote "the scars when the dimple," essay, "It was just interested in actions, on the sent to a personal home page." But so he did not think that the exercises later this year in Jiangsu Province was hit by Language Simulation entrance examination questions papers as reading comprehension. He is currently a Sina blog traffic and load levels are very high.

In addition to writing, Xu Song of the computers also played with great. 2001 high which was 1:00, "Xun Fei" Cup National Web Design Contest Anhui first.


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