aside from,apart from,except,besides的区别。  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-09-11
Besides, except, aside from, and apart from 的区别及用法

prep.1. 除...之外
We go there every day except Sunday.
They all went to sleep except the young Frenchman.
I like her except when she is angry.
He has no special fault except that he smokes too much.
conj.1. 除了
She did nothing except complain while she was here.
2. 要不是;但是
I would go except it's too far.
vt.1. 把...除外;不计
The minors are excepted from the regulation.
You will all be punished; I can except no one.
vi.1. 反对;表示异议[(+to/against)]
The defendant excepted to the witness.
ad.1. 此外,而且,加之
The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable.
Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.
2. 在其他方面
prep.1. 在...之外,除...之外
What has he done, besides reading the paper?
He had other people to take care of besides me.
aside from与apart from没区别

一、besides 意为“除了……,(还,也)”,表示的是追加关系,整体中包括了“除了”的部分;

Five other representatives arrived late besides me. 除了我还有五位代表来晚了。(晚到的代表中包括“我”)

Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him. 除他妻子外,他女儿也去看过他。

二、except 意为“除了……,(其余的都)”,表示的是剔除的关系,整体中不包括“除了”的部分,except 除了后面接名词、代词外,还可接介词短语或从句。

All the other five representatives arrived late except me. 除了我,其他的五位代表都来晚了。(晚到的代表中不包括“我”)

I seldom go by bus except when it is rainy. 除了下雨的时候,我很少乘公共汽车。

He rarely went anywhere except to his office. 除了去办公室,他很少去别的地方。

I know nothing about it except what he told me. 除他告诉我的情况外,我对此事一无所知。

My papers seem to be everywhere except where they ought to be. 我的文件似乎完全不在它们应该放置的地方。

三、except for 表示的是,在整体上给以定论后,再从局部上加以修正。与except 不同的是:except 所“排除”的部分与前面所述整体词属于同类,是部分与整体的关系;而except for 所“排除”的部分与前面所述的整体词往往不是同类。如:

Your essay is well written except for one or two minor grammatical mistakes. 你的作文除了一两处小的语法错误外,写得很好。(“作文”与“语法错误”不是同类事物)

若用于句首,则 except for 与 except 同义(但 except 通常不用于句首,另外but也不能用于句首):

Except for me, everyone passed the exam. 除了我之外,大家都通过了考试。

四、 but与except的用法基本相同并常互换使用,但but多与no, nothing, not anything, nobody, nowhere, all, anything, who等词连用,but所引出的事物常是句子的重心,有一定的强调意味。如:

They are all from the countryside but / except John. 除了约翰外,他们都来自乡下。

I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper. 除了报纸,我从没见他读过别的东西。

当but / except后面跟不定式时,如果but / except前面有实义动词do或do的其他形式,后面的不定式符号要省略。如:
In winter the bear does nothing but lie down and sleep. 冬天,熊除了躺下睡觉什么也不干。

It had no effect except to make him angry. 除了惹他生气外,没产生任何效果。

五、but for 否定复合介词,用在名词前构成介词短语,意思是“要不是”,等于 without。句子中只要有 but for,该句子必须用虚拟语气。

But for your help (if you had not helped us)we should not have finished in time.要不是你的帮助,我们就不会及时完成。

But for the rain (= If it had not rained) we should have had a pleasant journey.要不是下雨,我们就会有一个愉快的旅途的。

六、apart from在不同的上下文中,既有besides的含义,又有except和except for的含义,要根据上下文来判别。如:

Apart from English, he has a good command of Russian and French. 除英语外,他还精通俄语和法语。(= besides)

He has no interests, apart from his work. 他除了自己的工作外,没什么兴趣爱好。(= except )

It’s a good paper, apart from a few spelling mistakes. 这是一篇好论文,只是有几处拼写错误。(= except for)

aside from,apart from,except,besides在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"Aside from":表示除了某个事物或人以外,还有其他事物或人存在。

"Apart from":也表示除了某个事物或人以外,还有其他事物或人存在。




"Aside from English, he can also speak French and Spanish."(除了英语,他还会说法语和西班牙语。)

"Apart from the blue shirt, all the others are red."(除了蓝色的衬衫,其他都是红色的。)

"Everyone is here except John."(除了约翰,每个人都在这里。)

"Besides the cake, there are also cookies and ice cream."(除了蛋糕,还有饼干和冰淇淋。)

2. 语法区别:

"Aside from":通常用作介词。

"Apart from":也通常用作介词。




"Aside from English, she is also learning Chinese."(除了英语,她还在学习中文。)(介词)

"Apart from his job, he enjoys playing the guitar."(除了工作,他喜欢弹吉他。)(介词)

"He likes all fruits except bananas."(他喜欢所有水果,除了香蕉。)(介词)

"Besides being a talented singer, she is also a skilled dancer."(除了是一位才华横溢的歌手,她还是一位熟练的舞者。)(介词)

3. 用法区别:

"Aside from" 和 "Apart from":强调除了某个事物或人之外,还有其他事物或人存在,表达的意思相似,可以互换使用。




"Aside from his regular job, he also does freelance work."(除了他的正式工作,他也做自由职业。)

"Apart from studying, she enjoys playing tennis."(除了学习,她喜欢打网球。)

"I invited everyone except Peter to the party."(我邀请了每个人,除了彼得。)

"Besides English, she can also speak German and Italian."(除了英语,她还会说德语和意大利语。)

4. 使用环境区别:

"Aside from" 和 "Apart from":常用于表达除了某个事物或人之外,还有其他事物或人存在的情况,可以用于各种语境。




"Aside from the rainy weather, the trip was enjoyable."(除了下雨的天气,这次旅行很愉快。)

"They all passed the test apart from Tim."(除了蒂姆,他们都通过了考试。)

"She likes all fruits except for apples."(她喜欢所有水果,除了苹果。)

"Besides English, he is also fluent in French and German."(除了英语,他还能流利地说法语和德语。)

这几个词汇的区别我知道,下面就让我这个学霸为大家解答一下(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*,Besides和Except的使用频率相对aside from和apart from要高一些。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先: 

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ


Besides和Except的使用频率相对aside from和apart from要高一些。


①Aside from the cost, it's a long way to travel. 除了费用,路途也很远。

②Apart from John, everyone seemed to enjoy the party.除了约翰,所有的人似乎都喜欢这个派对。

③Tom is not here except for his sister. 除了他妹妹,Tom不在这里。

④Besides, I have another reason for not going there. 此外,我还有另一个不去那里的理由。


当aside from,apart from,except用作介词表示除…之外时,意思相近,但是besides既可以表示除了,也可以表示还有,和其他三个词存在一定的差异。


①There's nothing we can do, aside from waiting for the rain to stop. 我们除了等雨停之外,没有别的办法。

②Apart from being expensive, the book is hard to understand. 这本书除了贵,还难以理解。

③All of the children like pets except Jack. 除了杰克,所有的孩子都喜欢宠物。

④Besides being our teacher, he also our friend. 他不仅是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。




①This is a great work of art, aside from a few minor errors. 这是一部很棒的艺术作品,只是有一些小错误。

②Apart from a few spelling mistakes, her work is excellent. 除了几个拼写错误,她的工作很出色。

③The store is open every day except Christmas day. 商店除了圣诞节都开门。

④Besides salad, she ordered a steak. 除了沙拉,她还点了一份牛排。


aside from 和 apart from 偏向于突出被排除的部分;besides和except比较中性。


①Aside from those issues, everything else is fine. 把那些问题放在一边,其他都还好。

②Apart from their color, the phones are identical. 除了颜色,这些手机都是相同的。

③Except for a small scar, her face was perfect. 除了一个小疤痕,她的脸完美无瑕。

④I don't know anyone here besides you. 除你之外,这里没有我认识的人。


apart from、aside from 和 except 后可以跟名词、代词、动名词,besides 后可跟名词、代词、句子。


①Aside from cooking, what else do you do in your free time? 你除了做饭,空闲时间还做什么?

②Apart from me, my brother also likes swimming. 除了我,我兄弟也喜欢游泳。

③She likes all the subjects except math. 除了数学,她都喜欢所有的科目。

④Besides that, you also need to consider the cost. 除此之外,你还需要考虑成本。

aside from、apart from、except、besides的区别:



3、apart  from 的意思是: 除…以外别无...... ;  除…以外还有……,可以用来替代except, besides及except for; “分离着”(强调状态)。

4、aside  from“  除……之外(还有)”  或 “离开” (强调动作)。


aside from

1、Your talk is a little aside from the subject of our disussion. 


2、Ireland stood aside from this conflict 


3、Aside from the little savings I have no other money. 


4、Aside from our son there was no child here. 


5、I didn't accept the job because it was badly paid and aside from that, it wasn't very interesting. 


apart from

1、It sounds as if you have grown apart from Tom. 


2、Apart from anything else I was starving. 


3、The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance. 


4、The novel is worlds apart from his academic writings. 


5、Apart from clothes and bedding, I have nothing. 



1、I wouldn't have accepted anything except a job in Europe 


2、He hadn't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad 


3、I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds 


4、Children who take exams early will be allowed to drop a subject except in the case of maths, English and science. 


5、Everyone was late, except for Richard. 


besides除了,但还包括在之内;except除了,但被排除在外,aside from和apart from 相当于 besides它们没有区别。

adv.此外; 而且; 以及; 更;
prep.(表示排斥)除…之外(还有); 在…之外(还有),…之余兼;
Besides rescue marines when they got lost?

vt.把…除外; 不计;
conj.[口语]要不是; 除非; 除…以外;
vi.反对,表示异议(与 to 或 against连用);
What can you do except seduce women?

aside from
[英][əˈsaid frɔm][美][əˈsaɪd frʌm]
除…之外; 既…又…; 暂置不论;
You mean, aside from his wife?

apart from
[英][əˈpɑ:t frɔm][美][əˈpɑrt frʌm]
除去; 脱离; 除此之外(表示除…以外别无); 撇开…来说(表示除…以外尚有);
Did your king give you other wealth apart from those horses?

besides,except,except for,but,but for,apart from,aside from,in addition to的区别
一、besides 意为“除了……,(还,也)”,表示的是追加关系,整体中包括了“除了”的部分;

Five other representatives arrived late besides me. 除了我还有五位代表来晚了。(晚到的代表中包括“我”)

Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him. 除他妻子外,他女儿也去看过他。

二、except 意为“除了……,(其余的都)”,表示的是剔除的关系,整体中不包括“除了”的部分,except 除了后面接名词、代词外,还可接介词短语或从句。

All the other five representatives arrived late except me. 除了我,其他的五位代表都来晚了。(晚到的代表中不包括“我”)

I seldom go by bus except when it is rainy. 除了下雨的时候,我很少乘公共汽车。

He rarely went anywhere except to his office. 除了去办公室,他很少去别的地方。

I know nothing about it except what he told me. 除他告诉我的情况外,我对此事一无所知。

My papers seem to be everywhere except where they ought to be. 我的文件似乎完全不在它们应该放置的地方。

三、except for 表示的是,在整体上给以定论后,再从局部上加以修正。与except 不同的是:except 所“排除”的部分与前面所述整体词属于同类,是部分与整体的关系;而except for 所“排除”的部分与前面所述的整体词往往不是同类。如:

Your essay is well written except for one or two minor grammatical mistakes. 你的作文除了一两处小的语法错误外,写得很好。(“作文”与“语法错误”不是同类事物)

若用于句首,则 except for 与 except 同义(但 except 通常不用于句首,另外but也不能用于句首):

Except for me, everyone passed the exam. 除了我之外,大家都通过了考试。

四、 but与except的用法基本相同并常互换使用,但but多与no, nothing, not anything, nobody, nowhere, all, anything, who等词连用,but所引出的事物常是句子的重心,有一定的强调意味。如:

They are all from the countryside but / except John. 除了约翰外,他们都来自乡下。

I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper. 除了报纸,我从没见他读过别的东西。

当but / except后面跟不定式时,如果but / except前面有实义动词do或do的其他形式,后面的不定式符号要省略。如:
In winter the bear does nothing but lie down and sleep. 冬天,熊除了躺下睡觉什么也不干。

It had no effect except to make him angry. 除了惹他生气外,没产生任何效果。

五、but for 否定复合介词,用在名词前构成介词短语,意思是“要不是”,等于 without。句子中只要有 but for,该句子必须用虚拟语气。

But for your help (if you had not helped us)we should not have finished in time.要不是你的帮助,我们就不会及时完成。

But for the rain (= If it had not rained) we should have had a pleasant journey.要不是下雨,我们就会有一个愉快的旅途的。

六、apart from在不同的上下文中,既有besides的含义,又有except和except for的含义,要根据上下文来判别。如:

Apart from English, he has a good command of Russian and French. 除英语外,他还精通俄语和法语。(= besides)

He has no interests, apart from his work. 他除了自己的工作外,没什么兴趣爱好。(= except )

It’s a good paper, apart from a few spelling mistakes. 这是一篇好论文,只是有几处拼写错误。(= except for)

七、aside from 类似于apart from的用法。


Everything was quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance. 除了远处偶尔有汽车的声响外, 四周一片寂静。


I didn't accept the job because it was badly paid and aside from that, it wasn't very interesting. 我没接受这个工作, 因为工资既少, 又非常乏味。

八、in addition to 含义与besides一样。

They provide a free breakfast in addition to a bed.除了提供床位外,他们还提供免费早餐。