用as a whole 造句

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-20
as a whole与in conclusion

as a whole 整体,例The article, as a whole, talks about the environmental issue. 这文章,整体来说,就是讲环境问题。
in conclusion 终结, 例In my article on environment issue, my conclusion is that everyone has the responsibility to protect the environment. 我的环境问题的文章里,我终结了环保是每个人的责任。

As a result, he won the first prize in the competition

as a whole.总的来说。adv. 整个来说(总体上)
considered as a whole:被视为整体
group as a whole:团体做为一个整体
we consider the network as a whole。我们从整体的角度设计网络。
As a whole our efforts did not prove to be futile。总体说来,我们的努力没有白费。

I suggest that you should listen as a whole , but not word for word.

Happiness is satisfaction with life as a whole.

The new system is pretty goog as a whole