
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-08-31

A The products have been produced in accordance with the following requirements. No alterations to any items have been made.
In addition, I have made use of some new materials to produce two pieces of samples for confirmation by the client;
The quality of this material is better than that of the previous one. Furthermore, this material is much easier available to us in the course of our production, but there is some discrepancies with the measurement. Please check the parts marked with red on the attachment SFA.

First of all, I/we should practise and use English in different ways, as it's a language rather than a course. I think the followings are necessary for an active long-distance learner:

1. Listen to English cassette while wait for bus,
2. listen to radio or watch English TV program,
3. Always try to describe what I am doing when walking in the street,
4. Attend in English corner, and practise oral English with others,
5. Read English news frequently.

Hello! Thank you very much mail, we have completed price, on the annex, please acknowledged. If there is any problem, please contact us and. In addition, if you need more information about our products, please check our Web site, are :

Dear sirs :
Thank you for your email .We have filled the price form in the attach file .Please check it .If you have any questions .please keep in touch with us .also If you would like to know more information of our products in our company .please inquire our website .


Thank you for your email. Attached please find the price list. Please contact us should you have any question. If you need further information about our products, please visit our website:

thanks for your mail. we have filled the prices in the table with the attachment.
please check it out,
if there are some problems,please contact us timely
in addition to, if you want more informations for the products of our company.you can link this following website...................

Thank you very much for your mails ,We have already filled out the price.Please check and recevied.If you have some probelms,please keep in touch with us.In addition,If you need to see more information of the products of our company,please look over our websites.The website is http://www.baidu.com

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