
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-30
求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这句话 看不太懂啊


grant批准, at somebody's discretion指有某某来决定。


一位冲突专家写道:「有些[类型的冲突]有助组织实现其目标及提高绩效,这些类型的冲突是具功能性及有建设性的,有利于组织,有利于或有助实现组织的宗旨。此外,亦有些类型的冲突是妨碍绩效的,这些类型的冲突导致功能失调或具破坏性,不可取,管理层应该予以根除。 」(Robbins,1978)


Types of Conflict: Functional/Dysfunctional
There can be no doubt that some conflict is a natural part of organisational life: the different aims of different players make it inevitable. Conflict may manifest itself in different ways. An individual worker may withdraw co-operation or at least enthusiasm because of a personality clash with a superior or because of a perception of inadequate incentives. If groups of workers coalesce around an issue, industrial action of different kinds may result. In Ireland we are most familiar with withdrawal of labour or "strikes." Other less obvious manifestations of conflict, such as absenteeism or apathy, can be equally damaging to an organization.
Is conflict necessarily a bad thing? Is it any harm if it helps to resolve a situation? Should the HR Department seek to avoid a conflict that will resolve a situation? To answer these questions we must consider the distinction between functional and dysfunctional conflict.
One conflict expert has written:
"Some [types of conflict] support the goals of the organisation and improve performance; these are functional, constructive forms of conflict, they benefit the organisation. They benefit or support the main purposes of the organization. Additionally, there are those types of conflict that hinder organisational performance; these are dysfunctional or destructive forms. They are undesirable and the manager should seek their eradication. (Robbins, 1978)
There are two distinct theoretical schools when it comes to conflict and its management. The Pluralistic approach views conflict as positive and to be encouraged. It acknowledges that conflict should be regulated so that it does not get out of hand and that conflict results from a struggle for limited rewards, from competition and from potential frustration of goals. It holds that people, while not essentially bad, are driven by self-interested and competitive instincts.
The Human Relations school, however, believes that conflict by and large is bad and should be eliminated or resolved. It believes that conflict is not inevitable and that it results from the breakdown of communications and from a lack of trust, openness and understanding between groups. It also believes that people are essentially good and trust, co-operation and goodness are given in human nature.
By and large, HRM policies are concerned with the management of conflict in line with the Human Relations school.



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