
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

A:Did she park car ? B:Yes,she did .
A:Where did she park her car ? B: Sorry,I don't konw .
A:Did they discuss plans on Sunday ?B: Yes, they did .
A:What did they discuss ? B:I knew nothing .
I am sorry !

1.She is going to take some medcine.
2.What arw they want us to do?They want us to buy some stamps.
3.When is he going to get up?At about 6:35.
4.How often do they visit their teacher?Twice a week.

1.Where did she drive her car?The park.
Did she drive her car to the park?Yes,she did.
When did she drive her car to the park?
Yesterday evening.
How did she go to the park yesterday?
By driving her car.
3.Did they discuss any plans last sunday?Yes,they did.
What plans did they discuss last sunday? I don't know.
When did they discuss their plans?Last sunday.
Why did they discuss their plans last sunday?I don't know.
2.Did she have a call on her mobile phone? Yes,she did.
Who did she call on her mobile phone?
Her teacher.
How did she have a call? On her mobile phone.
When did she have a call on her mobile phone? In the morning.

1. A: Did she drive her car to the park this morning?
B: Yes,she did.
A: Where did she drive her car to this morning?
B: the park.
3. A: Did they discuss pians last Sunday?
B: Yes, they did.
A: What did they discuss last Sunday?
B: pians

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