
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-30

1. C admit 承认

2. B be delayed by 被...延迟/延误

3. B try 尝试

4. C used to do sth 过去常常/曾经

5. C 解释同1

6. D alone adv. 独自

7. B intend sb to do sth 想要某人去做某事

8. A wonders 奇迹,奇观

9. C trust sb sth 相信某人某事

10. B not...at all 根本不,一点也不

11. D send for sb 派人去找...来

12. A/B

13. D reach a dicision 达成决定

14. A in the end 最后,终于

15. C pretend to do sth 假装...

16. C imported 进口的(native 本国的/本土的)

17. A do you suppose 插入语,放在疑问词后,"你认为"

18. B be capable of doing sth 有能力做某事

19. C ask sb for advice 向某人征求建议

20. B merely=only 只要

嗨,男孩和女孩!有一个之字形的衣服店看看。我们有黑色和15元的biue sweate,蓝帽子是31美元和红色毛衣是30元,黄色的短裤也是30美元,和绿色短裤发售25美元!是多少鞋?对不起,这些都是我的鞋!我需要的!

1. That’s Mark pencil sharpener.这里用名词的所有格表示对某个东西的占有。That’s Mark's(名词的所有格) pencil sharpener.这是马克的橡皮擦。
2. ---What do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.这里what用错了,应该改成How,表示一种方式,你怎么拼写ruler这个单词呢?
3. ---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, this is.回答这样的问句的时候要说Yes, it is。用it来代指earser这样的物品。
4. What’s color is this pen? ---It’s red. 第一句应改成What color is this pen或者What’s the color of this pen?意思是这支笔是什么颜色的。一般第一种说法就可以了。
5. Please call Nancy on 9342874.这句用到的句型是call sb. by + 电话号码。打这个电话号码找某人。所以应改成 Please call Nancy by 9342874. 电话号码前也可加at。
6. Found: a set of key.这里a set of 是一套的意思,key这个名词当然要用复数了,应该改成keys。

Ⅲ. 根据上下文,补全对话中所缺单词(每空一词,缩略词为一词):
Tim:( Excuse ) me, Sonia. Is this ( your ) pencil?
Sonia: Yes, ( thank ) you. And that is my ruler.
Tim: And Jane, ( are ) these your pens?
Jane: No, they ( aren't ). I think they are Pinky’s pens.
Tim: OK, and this is my book and this is
your pencil case, Jane.

Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks and try to translate the sentences:
1. I don’t have a pen, so I use a pencil instead.
2. A: How do you spell book?
B: B-O-O-K.
3. Please call Steve at 529-4301.
4. Is that your ring in the laboratory and found case?
5. He can’t tell the right time because his watch doesn’t work.
6. Do you have a basketball bat?
7. People in America, Britain and Australia all speak English as their first language.
8. He puts his pencil case, notebook and all his books in the bag and then goes to school with it.
9. Sam sits before the desktop just to play computer games.山姆坐在桌子的前面,只是为了玩电脑游戏。
10. Look up a word in the dictionary if you don’t understand it.

Ⅴ. Complete the sentences:
1. 很高兴认识你。
Nice to meet you!
2. 很高兴和你谈话。
Nice talking to you!
3. 很高兴和你谈话了。
Nice to have a talk to you!
4. 请问,你姓什么?
What’s your family name,please ?
5. 我能知道你的名字吗?
May I know your name?
6. 你能告诉你的名字吗?
Could you tell me your name, please?
7. 请给露西打电话,号码是546-230.
Please call Lucy at/by 546-230.


3. this is--it is.

Ⅲ. 根据上下文,补全对话中所缺单词(每空一词,缩略词为一词):
1.Tim:(Excuse) me, Sonia. Is this (your) pencil?
Sonia: Yes, (thank) you. And that is my ruler.
Tim: And Jane, (are) these your pens?
Jane: No, they (aren't). I think they are Pinky’s pens.
Tim: OK, and this is my book and this is
your pencil case, Jane.

Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks and try to translate the sentences:
1. I don’t have a pen, so I use a (pencil)instead.
2. A: How do you (spell)book?
B: B-O-O-K.
3. Please (call)Steve at 529-4301.
4. Is that your ring in the (lost) and found case?
5. He can’t tell the right time because his
(watch)doesn’t work.
6. Do you have a (badminton) bat?
7. People in America, Britain and Australia all speak (English)as their first language.
8. He puts his pencil case, notebook and all his books in the (bag) and then goes to school with it.
9. Sam sits before the desktop just to play
10. Look up a word in the (dictionary)if you don’t understand it.

Ⅴ. Complete the sentences:
1. 很高兴认识你。
2. 很高兴和你谈话。
Nice(to talk)to you!
3. 很高兴和你谈话了。
(Nice talking)to you!
4. 请问,你姓什么?
What’s your(family/sur)name,please?
5. 我能知道你的名字吗?
May I(have)your name?
6. 你能告诉你的名字吗?
Could you(tell)me your name,please?
7. 请给露西打电话,号码是546-230.

1.That’s Mark's pencil sharpener.名词前加个物主代词,表示是马克的东西。。
2.--- How do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.表示问怎么拼写,而不是你拼写的是什么。。。
3.---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, it is.当别人问你是,说这是你的东西吗,你要说,它是不是,而不是这是不是。。。
4.What color is this pen? ---It’s red.这是问笔是什么颜色,应以有谓语。。。
5. Please call Nancy at 9342874. call sb at加号码是固定句型,要背的。。。
6.Found: a set of keys. a set of 是表示有一串钥匙,一串钥匙有很多,是复数。。。
Tim:( Excuse ) me, Sonia. Is this ( your ) pencil?
Sonia: Yes, ( thank ) you. And that is my ruler.
Tim: And Jane, ( are ) these your pens?
Jane: No, they ( aren't ). I think they are Pinky’s pens.
Tim: OK, and this is my book and this is
your pencil case, Jane.
1. I don’t have a pen, so I use a pencil instead.
2. A: How do you spell book?
B: B-O-O-K.
3. Please call Steve at 529-4301.
4. Is that your ring in the lost and found case?
5. He can’t tell the right time because his
watch doesn’t work.
6. Do you have a badminton bat?
7. People in America, Britain and Australia all speak English as their first language.
8. He puts his pencil case, notebook and all his books in the bag and then goes to school with it.
9. Sam sits before the desktop just to play
computer games.
10. Look up a word in the dictionary if you don’t understand it.
Ⅴ. Complete the sentences:
1. 很高兴认识你。
Nice to meet you!
2. 很高兴和你谈话。
Nice to talk to you!
3. 很高兴和你谈话了。
Nice talking to you!
4. 请问,你姓什么?
What’s your family name, please ?
5. 我能知道你的名字吗?
May I have your name?
6. 你能告诉你的名字吗?
Could you tell me your name, please ?
7. 请给露西打电话,号码是546-230.
Please call Lucy at 546-230.

1. That’s Mark pencil sharpener.
That’s Mark's pencil sharpener.
2. ---What do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.
--- How do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.
3. ---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, this is.
---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, it is.
4. What’s color is this pen? ---It’s red.
What color is this pen? ---It’s red.
5. Please call Nancy on 9342874.
Please call Nancy at 9342874.
6. Found: a set of key.
Found: a set of keys.
Ⅲ. 根据上下文,补全对话中所缺单词(每空一词,缩略词为一词):
Tim:( Excuse ) me, Sonia. Is this ( your ) pencil?
Sonia: Yes, ( thank ) you. And that is my ruler.
Tim: And Jane, ( are ) these your pens?
Jane: No, they ( aren't ). I think they are Pinky’s pens.
Tim: OK, and this is my book and this is
your pencil case, Jane.
Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks and try to translate the sentences:
1. I don’t have a pen, so I use a pencil instead.
2. A: How do you spell book?
B: B-O-O-K.
3. Please call Steve at 529-4301.
4. Is that your ring in the lost and found case?
5. He can’t tell the right time because his
watch doesn’t work.
6. Do you have a badminton bat?
7. People in America, Britain and Australia all speak English as their first language.
8. He puts his pencil case, notebook and all his books in the bag and then goes to school with it.
9. Sam sits before the desktop just to play
computer games.
10. Look up a word in the dictionary if you don’t understand it.
Ⅴ. Complete the sentences:
1. 很高兴认识你。
Nice to meet you!
2. 很高兴和你谈话。
Nice to talk to you!
3. 很高兴和你谈话了。
Nice talking to you!
4. 请问,你姓什么?
What’s your family name, please ?
5. 我能知道你的名字吗?
May I have your name?
6. 你能告诉你的名字吗?
Could you tell me your name, please ?
7. 请给露西打电话,号码是546-230.
Please call Lucy at 546-230.

1. That’s Mark pencil sharpener.
That’s Mark's pencil sharpener.
2. ---What do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.
--- How do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.
3. ---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, this is.
---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, it is.
4. What’s color is this pen? ---It’s red.
What color is this pen? ---It’s red.
5. Please call Nancy on 9342874.
Please call Nancy at 9342874.
6. Found: a set of key.
Found: a set of keys.
Tim:( Excuse ) me, Sonia. Is this ( your ) pencil?
Sonia: Yes, ( thank ) you. And that is my ruler.
Tim: And Jane, ( are ) these your pens?
Jane: No, they ( aren't ). I think they are Pinky’s pens.
Tim: OK, and this is my book and this is
your pencil case, Jane.
Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks and try to translate the sentences:
1. I don’t have a pen, so I use a pencil instead.
2. A: How do you spell book?
B: B-O-O-K.
3. Please call Steve at 529-4301.
4. Is that your ring in the lost and found case?
5. He can’t tell the right time because his
watch doesn’t work.
6. Do you have a badminton bat?
7. People in America, Britain and Australia all speak English as their first language.
8. He puts his pencil case, notebook and all his books in the bag and then goes to school with it.
9. Sam sits before the desktop just to play
computer games.
10. Look up a word in the dictionary if you don’t understand it.
Ⅴ. Complete the sentences:
1. 很高兴认识你。
Nice to meet you!
2. 很高兴和你谈话。
Nice to talk to you!
3. 很高兴和你谈话了。
Nice talking to you!
4. 请问,你姓什么?
What’s your family name, please ?
5. 我能知道你的名字吗?
May I have your name?
6. 你能告诉你的名字吗?
Could you tell me your name, please ?
7. 请给露西打电话,号码是546-230.
Please call Lucy at 546-230.

1. That’s Mark pencil sharpener.
That’s Mark's pencil sharpener.
2. ---What do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.
--- How do you spell “ruler”? ---R-U-L-E-R.
3. ---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, this is.
---Is this your eraser? ---Yes, it is.
4. What’s color is this pen? ---It’s red.
What color is this pen? ---It’s red.
5. Please call Nancy on 9342874.
Please call Nancy at 9342874.
6. Found: a set of key.
Found: a set of keys.
Ⅲ. 根据上下文,补全对话中所缺单词(每空一词,缩略词为一词):
Tim:( Excuse ) me, Sonia. Is this ( your ) pencil?
Sonia: Yes, ( thank ) you. And that is my ruler.
Tim: And Jane, ( are ) these your pens?
Jane: No, they ( aren't ). I think they are Pinky’s pens.
Tim: OK, and this is my book and this is
your pencil case, Jane.
Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks and try to translate the sentences:
1. I don’t have a pen, so I use a pencil instead.
2. A: How do you spell book?
B: B-O-O-K.
3. Please call Steve at 529-4301.
4. Is that your ring in the lost and found case?
5. He can’t tell the right time because his
watch doesn’t work.
6. Do you have a badminton bat?
7. People in America, Britain and Australia all speak English as their first language.
8. He puts his pencil case, notebook and all his books in the bag and then goes to school with it.
9. Sam sits before the desktop just to play
computer games.
10. Look up a word in the dictionary if you don’t understand it.
Ⅴ. Complete the sentences:
1. 很高兴认识你。
Nice to meet you!
2. 很高兴和你谈话。
Nice to talk to you!
3. 很高兴和你谈话了。
Nice talking to you!
4. 请问,你姓什么?
What’s your family name, please ?
5. 我能知道你的名字吗?
May I have your name?
6. 你能告诉你的名字吗?
Could you tell me your name, please ?
7. 请给露西打电话,号码是546-230.
Please call Lucy at 546-230.

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