高分悬赏 高中身为寝室长应如何管理好寝室,当好寝室长!!!!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-15
高分悬赏!!英语作文 大学生在宿舍养宠物的利弊。《现在就要,要求中英文都有的》

Nowadays, we can find a interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves, or in another word, to be a company. As a matter of fact, pets do have the ability of relaxing us, however, somebody has put forward a totally contrary opinion. So we made this discussion about whether a pet is good for student or not. Here are the results:
First for the advantage, on no way that you can deny the effect of pets that they can relax or comfort our spirit especially in this fierce-competition society. People can gain happiness even friendship here, I consider that’s why most of the elder would like to get a pet for companion. Unfortunately, students also have this demand, too. Now, students face a same problem and they do have a comparative fragile heart because they have grown alone which owe to the one child policy which indicates that only friends can make them feel better. Well, pets are the perfect friend who can be loyal, adorable, helpful, and so on. Being Push by the highly pressure that include the requirement of passing qualification exams, seeking for jobs, earning their life, or obtaining a master’s degree, students need this kind of comfort particular in mental aspect in order to take the life much easier.
In conclusion, pets is a wise choice for students to relax themselves.
However, at the same time, just like that old saying in China:”Every corn have two side.” Keeping a kind of animal also has its shortcoming.
To illustrate, a pet is not healthful or clean especially dogs which is the sort that you should walk him every day. When you finish walking your dog, you find your dog is still very clean as same as before, at least looks so. Unfortunately, bacteria, germs, fungus all of which could threaten you healthy have already been brought to your home that you cannot see with your naked eyes. Well, is that frighten you? Every pet is not so clean as you thought.
Moreover, as a college student, it is very easy to addict themselves to the feeding of their pets which is the time that needs them to be very hard and focus on learning. There is nothing wrong about loving your sweet pets, but not the way of delaying your future.
To sum up, it is not an easy task to judge keeping a pet in dorm is a good thing or not. Well, after reading this article, do you get any new idea of pets? Just make your own decision.


1、在校学生结婚、怀孕、生小孩,这类消息和调查具有强烈的新闻性和新闻价值(文化型 集约型 关爱型);
2、大学生创业,尤其是停学创业的新闻(类似比尔· 盖茨那样的例子)(文化型 集约型 关爱型);
3、抗拒贫困、坚持学业,并且取得好成绩的新闻人物和事迹(湖南某洪姓大学生的故事)(文化型 集约型 关爱型);这种类型的新闻题材现在特别多,但是难于发掘,因为很多贫困学生不愿意暴露自己;

1 先说话多些 而且谈吐不凡
要有一定的魅力和魄力 没什么什么长都当不来
大方点 别扭扭捏捏的
2 明确写出规定 而且严格执行 但不偏袒
3 先你顶上 再告诉老师 他会处理的
4 你先检讨自己和大家 自己先顶上
5 带来的时候你就警告他 最多警告3次 不听就他自己负责 先说好
6 有问题再提




