帮忙翻译啊 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06
帮忙翻译(用英语) 快啊!!!!!!!!!!!跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my name is chengguo. my english name is jacky. this year, i'm 12. i come from WuHan. i like to play pingpong at school, i think it a cool sport. my favourate color is black. i love playing tennis in my daily life, i think that playing tennis is very interesing!





りゆう君 手数をかけてのに すみません.


我想以圣经上写的两句话作为这一本”富爸爸穷爸爸 〃的书评,圣经说:你要祝福那些珍惜


们行善,在好事上富足,甘心施舍,乐意供给人,为自己积成美 好的根基,预备将来,叫他们持定

I think the book review that is poor father 〃 of rich father of this ” with two words that the Holy Bible write, the Holy Bible say:You have to bless those to cherish

The person of the abundance, not want from high, also do not depend on the money that didn't settle, depend on that only thick grant 100 things to God whom we enjoy;Want to bless him again

Act charitably, on the good matter abundance, pleased almsgiving, take pleasure in supply person, accumulate for the oneself beautiful and good groundwork, prepare the future, call them hold to settle

Real life.Ouch!This words speak is really really too good!

严重不赞同楼上随便找个什么软件或者网页给胡乱翻译的。稍微有的英文水平的人都可以看出句子的完全不通。这是对问问题的人的不负责任。 有能力就翻译,没能力不可以误导别人。

I wang to write some review of a book whoes name is "rich father, poor father" by using some words from the Bible. the Bible say:You should bless those people who cherish their wealth.
Do not consider yourself to high and do not rely on these unstable money. Only rely on the God who gives us everything to enjoy. And you should bless them to do the good things. Do chrity as they really wish to do. contribute youself to others and to bulid the basic for the future preparing. let them to held the real life.

Yeah, these words are really nice.