
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

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Powertrain assembly line technology programs of
To meet the growing automotive market competition situation, automobile manufacturers increasingly attach importance to product price. Manufacturers based on market analysis to understand, select or develop a model, properly positioning the performance of each assembly and the main quality standards to ensure product performance; in achieving these objectives, we must also strive to invest and product costs to a minimum. These two goals are the main objectives pursued by the manufacturer, but also determine the success or failure of a car key to the market.

New assembly line positioning in the direction of technical programs is crucial. To avoid two errors: First, some technical solutions too much emphasis on the so-called image, with some not very necessary, even flashy new technology is not mature enough or high configuration, or even several times more than spending a lot of money, but not get to the desired effect, the investment return is low, the ultimate objective of the evaluation is unsatisfactory. Second, some technical solutions to save only the pursuit of blind investment, reduced assembly and function of many of the necessary equipment, which does not have assembled the most basic conditions for high quality products, the results of spending money can not be achieved the desired effect, instead of an waste.
On an assembly line with the requirements of technical solutions, different people often come from different angles, very different conclusions, so we advocate in determining the technology to see more programs, more thinking, more discussion, realistic concrete analysis of concrete conditions, technical solutions will be more scientific direction.

A typical assembly line should have the basic functions of the following seven areas:

Quality assurance function ①, ② to meet the variety of products through flexible features, ③ monitoring of equipment, ④ information management functions, ⑤ rationalization of safety and ergonomic features, ⑥ function of logistics and spare parts supply, ⑦ After completion of assembling machine testing

亲爱的sherry,我对你一直替他给我发短信这件事情非常感激,拜托你一定要照顾好他,因为我不在他身边所以他之前经常心情不好并且感到孤单,现在他一个人待在病房里肯定比以前更加寂寞,请你常常和他开个玩笑,常常逗他开心一下好么?请你一定不要让他有消极悲观的情绪 请你告诉他我还在等他康复,请你督促他按时吃饭按时睡觉,他为了不让我担心肯定不会告诉我他的身体状况,请你有空的时候跟我说一下可以么?我真的很担心他很爱他,我不能没有他的消息,sherry你是个好心的人,上帝会保佑你的,万分感谢你!
Dear Sherry, thank you very much for helping him to send me messages. Please take care of him and try to make him happy. He felt lonely when I wasn't with him. Now he might be more lonely as he has to stay in the ward alone. Please tell him not to be sad, and that I am still waiting for him to recover. Make sure that he eat and go to bed on time.Let me know his health situation when you are available because he may try to cover it in order not to make me worried.I love him and worry about him so much that I can't afford to lose information about him.

Dear sherry, you have been for him I send text messages to me this matter is very grateful, I want you to have to take good care of him, because I was not before him and he often in a bad mood and feel lonely, and now he a man to stay in ward certainly be more lonely than before, you may often joke with him, often tease him good Mody happy about? You must not let him have a negative pessimism you please tell him I still waiting for his recovery, would you please urge him to bed on time for dinner on time, he will not let me to tell me that he will certainly not worried about the physical condition, you have When empty can Mody told me about?
I am really worried that he loves him, and I can not do without news of him, sherry you are good-hearted people, God will bless you, and extremely grateful to you!

Dear sherry, I love you always messages for him to give me this matter is very grateful, please you must take good care of him, because I am not his side so bad mood before he often feel lonely, and now he alone in the ward certainly more lonely than before, you often and his joke, often teased him happy once? Please don't let him have negative pessimistic mood you tell him I'm still waiting for him to recover, please urge him to eat, he sleeps on time in order not to let me worry won't tell me he's status, please spare time can say with me? I'm really concerned about his love for him, I cannot had no news of him, sherry you is a kind man, god bless you, thank you!

Dear Sherry, thank you very much for helping him to send me messages. Please take care of him and try to make him happy. He felt lonely when I wasn't with him. Now he might be more lonely as he has to stay in the ward alone. Please tell him not to be sad, and that I am still waiting for him to recover. Make sure that he eat and go to bed on time.Let me know his health situation when you are available because he may try to cover it in order not to make me worried.I love him and worry about him so much that I can't afford to lose information about him.

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