
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

1. The good news made us very happy.

2. Pick up the phone, you should go to the conference room.

3. Please take the books to the school library.

4. You must take good care of yourself.

5. If you do not take medicine words, and the risk of catching a cold.

6. Don't play with fire, danger!

7. When people sometimes have the love when they made the right decision.

Combining with the teaching practice, through the three concrete examples, discusses how to apply the idea of mathematical modeling in the teaching of mathematics courses of the bachelor's degree.

I'm waiting for you at the bus station.

He is taking a book into the bedroom .

They are taking photos over there .

They are playing at The Great Wall.

They are preparing for the meeting.

My brother is learning dragon Dance.

The head master is talking with our math teacher .

My mother is not at home ,she is at work .

The most important festival of our country is the Spring Festival.

After the meeting all of our unhappiness were swept away

Chinese paper cutting has various shapes

We have many traditions, such as dragon lion dance.

In the New Year, we wear new clothes to visit my relatives and friends.

1. I am waiting for you at the station.
2. He is the book go into the bedroom.
3. They are there pictures.
4. They are playing the Great Wall.
5. They are preparing for the meeting
6. My brother is learning to Dragon Dance.
7. Principals and our math teacher is talking
Eight. My mother was not home, she was at work.
9. Our most important programs is the New Year.
10. After the meeting, so we have to sweep away the unhappy.
11. Chinese paper cutting and diverse in shape.
12. We have many traditions, such as dragon lion dance.
13. In the New Year, we wear new clothes to visit my relatives and friends.

I am waiting for you at the station.
He is going to the bedroom, carrying the books.
They are taking photo there.
They are visiting the Great Wall.
They are preparing for the conference.
My brother is learning Dragon Dance.
The headmaster is talking with our math teacher.
My mother is not at home now, for she is working.
Our most important festival is Spring Festival.
All of our unhappiness has been swept away after the beginning of the conference.
Chinese paper cutting is diverse and various.
We have many traditions, such as Dragon Dance and Lion Dance.
During the new year, we always pay visit to our relatives and friends, with our brand-new clothes dressed in.

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