
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

i'm studying in a beautiful school. There are 30 classes in it. There is a blackborad in our classroom and a teacher's desk is in front of it. There are 43 students in our class; 24 girls and 19 boys. Our school has a yard, a palyground and a library. Sometimes we go playing in the yard, run on the playground and read in the library. I love our school.

English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. In China special emphasis is attached to English learning. The ultimate objective of middle school English teaching is to enable the students to comprehensively use the English language. For many students problems encountered in listening and comprehension have natural become a major obstacle. This paper analysis the reason caused listening difficulties and straitegies to overcome such difficulties. It is aimed to help improve the students' listening level, so that they shall master the English language, and proactive study with full self-confidence.

Thanks for your suggestion.
For your advice,I will write a better lecture draft to you on the monday.
I hope you still hleped me at last time ,And,please give me some advice.Thank you!

Thanks for your advice. Accronding to your advice, I'll do my best to write a better sppeech and give it to you on Monday. I hope you could help me and give your advices.

Thanks for your advise.
I would give you a better speech draft on Monday according to your advise.
I would appreciate it very much if you would help me and give me some advise at that time.

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